So, the Tor Project Incorporated just censored 1000+ independent nodes off of the legacy tor network, and TPI is so cowardly they can't even mention the name of and link to the competing project on their blog. Wherein, the woke socialists at TPI also attempted to take a swipe at how Free-Market Voluntary Crypto Economics can help get needed things built, which is funny thing to do, because TPI rakes $Millions Fiat per year for decades into its centralized coffers and still has only a weak 20+ year old network to show for it, but in under one year this competing project is pathing many both potential, and now operational, ways forward. Speaking of money... Remember the time TPI accepted $2M in ETH from a donor after fraudulently claiming that the v2 onion key NFT that TPI was selling was the first publicly known hidden service operating on the network and was thus a prized auction item... that was a lie, it was not the first. Speaking of censorship... Remember the time when TPI spoke of tor-talk as a list where people could speak freely and critique tor... that was a lie, TPI censored dozens of people and messages critiqueing tor and Tor, and admitted to bricking up their lists, and then permanently shutdown the list. Speaking of diversity... Remember when you could Speak Freely in your node's Contact Field and on Social Media and be welcome at tor conventions because everyone of all kinds was there simply for tor... not anymore. Tor Project censorbans nodes and operators whose opinions they don't like off of the network and out of the project, talented coders contributors analysts etc... for exposing inconvenient truths, and for refusing to be conformed to their non-diversity of virtue-signalling thought police. And now for utilizing the opensource tor protocol. Anyway... after 10+ years of the Truth About TPI and tor getting out, the Tor Project Incorporated is now being routed around at all levels, new projects have found their voice and no longer defer to TPI. TPI's attempts to market and retain its funding stream are being questioned by donors regarding the issues within TPI and tor. While tor is good at what it can do, and stinks at what it can't, the Tor Project itself is no longer the only game in town for what the future of comms networks will look like. And the forks of tor and competing networks are now being formed and rolled out. The future has potential again. Some design elements of the tor software protocol will live on into the Next Generation of Overlay Networks, and in the new Global Distributed P2P-owned Fibre/RF Nets that are being built out. And the Tor Project Inc, which has ever since been trending more like a closed-source Corporation, has been marked as deprecated by many. Speaking of the time when Individual, Corp, or Govt whitepapers and attackers were thwarted against Traffic Analysis and Sybil of the Tor Network... "Tor Stinks -- NSA, vulns known since before 2012" You can now build a better Overlay Network than Tor, and a better P2P Private Electronic Cash System than Bitcoin.