The hypocrite anti-freespeech frauds at Tor Project Incorporated have deleted frontend mailman links to the Tor-Talk Archives and shutdown the tor-talk mailing list claiming that it was "unused". However any search for "tor-talk" on this list will prove that that's a straight up fucking LIE. The TRUTH is that the TPI has CENSORED dozens of messages off their list to prevent embarrassing truths and valid conversations about TPI and tor from reaching their users, funders, devs, and the press. And now they've deleted frontdoor from view thus burying archives which contained some valuable embarassing proofs over the years. FreeSpeech and users and others did not "unuse" the tor-talk list, TPI are the ones who censorbanned everyone off it, especially those critique in favor of users, thus making it useless for users. TPI dictators were too cowardly to even post tor-talk to ask subs if they still wanted use it, doesn't matter, the TPI doctrine would have censored and ignored all the replies seeking to keep it anyways. Freedom of Speech used to exist at TPI, now they're dangerous hypocrites. Gus and pals and all the rest at TPI are censors who are putting tor users at risk. TPI is obviously so desperate of being publicly exposed of tor's flaws and conflicts of interest and everything else that they have waged censorship for years. Shame on Tor and all its cowardly cabal. ps: Links and files full of tor internal comms are always welcomed here and to this inbox.