22 Jun
22 Jun
3:09 p.m.
Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com Thu Jun 22 06:32:22 PDT 2017
"black" activist
Way to rob Mr. Williams of his heritage, c&canon. To reduce a human to a skin color is deplorable. What if we addressed you as "Yellow" Concern-troll instead of Asian-American, or more specifically, Japanese-(country formally known as Brazil)ian ? Are you really that much of a commie ?
not intelligent, is not smart, is not original or creative...
Is this one of those recursive things you FOSS activists are always on about ?
complete waste of oxygen
With CO2 on the rise, the world is only getting greener, my dear. Plenty of O2 to go around, or across, depending on your (((world view))).