I must emphasize a few key-points by Zenaan on the "global warming" fairy tale: Well, this one was brought by Jim
I don't see how there can be "scientific consensus" unless there are accurate computer models which show how up climate temperature increases as a product of addition of CO2 to the atmosphere. Both qualitatively and quantitatively.
From Lord Kelvin: “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarely, in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.”
Vehemently claiming "theory" is not theory and is actually "fact" does not make said theory, facts.
!!! Yes we are impacting the environment (pollution), yes we are pumping
various gases into the atmosphere, no we cannot be certain of anthropogenic global warming OVER AND ABOVE 'natural' causes (the sun cycles, natural/ cyclical changes in the earth, more?)
!!! Could it be that those challenging a dearly held assertion ***(here it's
the global "warming" assertion, yesterday it was the moon fairy-tale and the Tor fairness assertions, you know), do so not from any contrariness, not from any obtuse stubbornness nor even belligerance, but from a heartfelt desire to seek 'the truth' and to discover the true facts behind an assertion made by another?
!!! *Is there any possibility that our personal programming be our Western*
*schooling system is so ingrained, so deep, that parts of it are simply* *unseen by our not so humble selves?*
!!! And could it be that such deep programming is in fact used by wealthy
oligarchs around the world who meet behind closed doors to discuss and execute intentions to spin certain stories based on "the glory, power and untouchable truth of 'science'" to their personal and group/corporate economic benefit?