On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 3:34 PM Peter Fairbrother <peter@tsto.co.uk> wrote:
I had a look at the whitepaper - Claudia has outdone herself in describing a system which could maybe work - but, and I quote, "The specific algorithms and implementation details of each part of the system will be fleshed out in separate documents."
There is no proof, or even enough details, to show that it will or even could work. It's all sweeping statements and claims, backed up by - nothing.
Thing is, I don't trust Claudia to get it right (we have a history... ).
The loopix part looks interesting, at first glance. Though "a measure of sender and receiver unobservability" is not exactly reassuring..
Well, I mentioned Nym, because, once in production, it could be an alternative to Tor. They already have a test net running, consisting of several thousand mix nodes and a couple of gateways. The funding they received this year was a couple of million, so let's see how this pans out. Regards Stefan