Interviewing Torturee: “Yes? And does this personality ever talk with its torturees about its experiences.” Cyborg: “Uhhh … can you help me out here?” Interviewing Torturee [to camera]: “This individual going by the acronym TCTSB held me captive for a long time and taught me a horrible world where abuse was described as kindness, that, as far as TCTSB understood, they were all living as reality!” Interviewing Torturee: “TCTSB held a position with some power.” Cyborg: “Oh, well, that’s that then!” Interviewing Torturee: “But wait — there’s more! TCTSB was horrifically brainwashed to learn to believe false things very very strongly, and is in bad need of psychological aid around this, so we can shoehorn them into the rebel movement and free their victims.”