On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 6:12 AM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
... For Snowden has shown the political has won out over the technical, and the technicals are fraught with what to do about it,
the political is intertwined with the monetary, and the monetary is intertwined with the military/industrial/technological, and these further intertwined with the educational, and international non-profit stadardization-al, and ... the turtles go deeper. back again to the political. which is but one stop on the train of vulnerability, back upon itself, how do you fight this? a little bit at a time, here and there, across the boundaries. lest you lose your mind, considering the scope of it all. the clipper chip, after all, represents a failure in the political realm, which was then promptly remedied in the technical, judicial, and business realms.
... So it has come to pass, there is no refuge from politics,
indeed. worse yet, the politics of others directly impact the realities of us all. to fix our own political mess is not enough; all must be addressed...