https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/07/new-attack-on-tor-can... https://news.mit.edu/2015/tor-vulnerability-0729 These attacks were known to the non-TOP-SECRET public research groups at least 8 years ago. Tor Project Inc refused to provide any notice of them to their userbase, and did nothing to address the vulnerabilities. Tor Project Inc people don't advertise these obvious vulnerabilties because it would hurt their cushy $100+k/yr liberal retirement cash cow if users ever found out and forked away from tor to new networks that deploy anti-analysis defenses such as fulltime chaff and other potential technologies. Tor Project Inc's pattern of bad behaviour of putting its users at risk of harm is as noticible as the traffic that tor's analytical adversaries have been exploiting since before 2012. "Tor Stinks -- NSA, vulns known since before 2012"