https://www.change.org/p/save-mariupol-192ea846-9fe1-476c-bb72-5474538c7c06 https://www.change.org/p/save-mariupol-71185d02-b260-4525-91ef-7f46add880c7/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmRWPOoESGQ Press Conference Azovstal On May 8, a press conference was held with the soldiers who hold the azovstal defense in the Ukrainian Mariupol. On the territory of the plant remain blocked Ukrainian military, which from the first days of a full-scale war defend the city. The soldiers say that they hope for a miracle, and ask everyone to make every effort to evacuate the military. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that work is underway to find diplomatic options for saving our military, which remain on Azovstal. Influential mediators and states are involved. Link to the petition for the UN to convene the General Assembly and rescue Ukrainian fighters and civilians from the Azovstal plant: https://cutt.ly/NG8FjZR Journalists and editors Hromadske continue to work in each region of the war-disrupted country. They continue to work from improvised offices, shelters, and bunkers. We do so because our weapon now is the truth. Subscribe to us so as not to miss the main news of Ukraine and the world: https://www.youtube.com/user/HromadskeTV https://hromadske.ua/ " SAVE MARIUPOL Kitty Prokhorenko started this petition to https://www.un.org/ and 1 other. May 6, 2022 We, the undersigned activists, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, politicians and celebrities, call on the United Nations, and in particular the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and regional leaders from around the world to launch an urgent "extraction" procedure, namely: 1 To resume the eleventh special session of the UN General Assembly for consideration of the humanitarian situation in Mariupol resulting from the aggression against Ukraine. 2. We demand that the General Assembly adopt a resolution obliging the Russian Federation, the aggressor country, to ensure the evacuation of all people to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to the territory of third safe countries. 3. We call on all world leaders to take all necessary measures to ensure and implement the resolution, and to act as guarantors of security. The civilian population, as well as the soldiers defending the city, are experiencing inhumane conditions: a number of world leaders have already recognized the actions of the aggressor's country as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to violate the rules of war, which is already partially reflected in the UN General Assembly Resolution of April 7, 2022 on the suspension of membership rights of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council. The enemy violates the rules of warfare, uses non-traditional weapons, regularly and purposefully attacks the locations of civilians, wounded servicemen, the bodies of fallen servicemen. Despite the inhumane conditions, the Ukrainian military controls the territory of the Azovstal plant, which, in particular, serves as a shelter for civilians and the wounded. Such conditions are a real humanitarian catastrophe, artificially created by the Russian Federation. There is a significant shortage of food, medicine, hygiene and personal protective equipment in the city. Due to the total damage to infrastructure and housing, the city of Mariupol no longer exists. Now the time is running out, the occupiers have partially broken into the territory of the Azovstal plant, every minute of delay could cost huge losses to all those who found shelter on the territory of the plant. We call on the United Nations, the UN Secretary-General, and regional leaders around the world to begin an immediate "extraction" procedure of the evacuation of civilians, all wounded, the bodies of the fallen and Ukrainian servicemen from blockaded Mariupol. With the immediate help of international figures, we still have the opportunity to save people's lives. We call for decisive action by the international community to: • provide an urgent ceasefire with guarantees from both sides in Mariupol; • organize immediate monitoring of compliance with the ceasefire by a third party; • organize the maritime evacuation of civilians and Ukrainian servicemen to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to the territory of a third intermediary state. Maritime evacuation may be accompanied by a land humanitarian corridor for civilians and the Ukrainian military to territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or to a third intermediary state. "