https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228285540618241 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228359746158592 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228411466145792 https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1606228421842939905 Last night, AZOV held its annual mystery called "Day of the Dead". It was attended by representatives of various units founded by veterans of the AZOV regiment, from the special unit KRAKEN to the SOF AZOV, as well as fighters from Azostal released from Russian captivity. Our correspondents were present at the scene. The command lined up several thousand fighters with torches. They recited the Ukrainian Nationalist Prayer and remembered the AZOV Forces' fallen. As the culmination of the mystery, a huge wooden drakkar was burned, so symbolically the souls of the fallen fighters went to Valhalla, a paradise for those who defend their native land from enemies with weapons in their hands. Such rituals are unique to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and are held only by AZOV. https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1602302498483720197 Bakhmut is the fiercest point of the war in Donbas. Russian assaults do not stop, neither day nor night. However, the Ukrainian army is standing firm. A video from the fighters of the unit formed by veterans of the AZOV regiment. https://t.me/polkazov https://patreon.com/ACRains