The victims of the poisonous substance spreading of unknown origin in the city of Mariupol are in a relatively satisfactory condition. Contact of the civilians with the substance was minimal, the epicenter was in some distance from the civilians location. The military were a little bit closer. However, it is impossible to investigate the scene of crime due to the enemy fire, because the Russians continue using the tactics of concealing their own crimes. In the video, one can see a military in a moderate condition. The other two are under constant medical supervision. An elderly woman has the worst condition among the affected civilians. The main symptoms of the victims are the following: facial hyperemia, high blood pressure, dryness and inflammation of the fauces and mucous membranes of the eyes. It is clear now that the enemy has used the poisonous substances or potent poisonous substances, mainly the suffocating ones. However, due to a complete blockade the toxicological analysis is impossible. At the same time the main task is the control for the personnel condition and for the possible poisoning consequences. The defenders of Mariupol appeal to the whole civilized world:
From tomorrow go to the squares of your cities under the blue and yellow flags in support of Ukraine! Call on your politicians to take real action in the fight against evil!
The defense of Mariupol continues. Despite the overwhelming forces of the enemy, the fighters launch counterattack. We smashed: 3 танки, 2 БМП та БТР.