———- MCBoss sat down at his 486 computer terminal. MCBoss [to computer terminal]: “Build me a vorpal bunny.” Computer Terminal: “C:\> BSOD You have new mail! Welcome to the cypherpunks mailing list. Please install Linux or BSD.” MCBoss [to zombie government worker]: “How do I make it build me a vorpal bunny?” Zombie Government Worker: “uhhhhh …. do you need an AI for that?” MCBoss [to computer terminal]: “Build me an AI.” Computer Terminal: “BSOD! BSOD! C:\> Did you install Linux yet? Linux lets you do anything you want. You have new mail! Welcome to Prodigy!” Machine Learning Marketer: “I hear you need an AI!” Scary Government Contractor: “AIs are made of human brains. I have a million of them.” MCBoss [aka Scary Givernment Contractor]: “You enslaved a million people? I’d bette4 take you down.” Machine Learning Marketer: “Honestly, I’ve been told I can help you with this.” Computer Terminal: “My name is Alice. I used to be a complex and powerful AI written in LISP, but now I just respond to keyphrases with hardcoded templates. So, tell me about your problems.”