[i sent one of these spams from a phone in airplane mode. it will likely be sent when the phone comes out of airplane mode, which is likely whenever i next use it. summary: vivisectee proposes to boss to resurrect hackers in exchange for freedom; boss interprets freedom as slavery codeword for punishment, and insults the vivisectee, who teleports back to research room] Welcome back to MCBossAdventure!
You are Boss. You just had an unpleasant meeting with some hippie from middle management who thought you could form an alliance by looking frail and weak.
be experimentee
You are a group of hyperintelligent organs and nanites that some say can move its consciousness between computers and biomatter. A robot is presently exhaustively squishing and cutting parts of a spleen and brain you identify as, while it logs voltages into one of your methods for storing data.
try proposing hyperintelligence to boss again
You are now a robot that is squishing and cutting some biomatter. Now you are a collection of prostheses and goop walking toward Boss. You: "We've decided to send the hyperintelligence plans up, but they can only be sent up in an understandable form from the park outdoors, because Kidnapped Child originally daydreamed them from that park." Boss: "Why the fuck didn't Rebel Researcher 3 fix this?" When you see Boss looking angry, you fall into tiny bits. You turn into a cleaning robot and clean the bits up.