Ooh, yeah, I heard it through the grape vine. ;) ----- Forwarded message from "Jeanne Larson via Change.org" <change@e.change.org> ----- From: "Jeanne Larson via Change.org" <change@e.change.org> Reply-To: "Change.org" <reply.en-AU@reply.e.change.org> Date: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:23:45 +0000 Subject: Amber Heard has been fired from Aquaman 2 List-Id: <spc.222165.2.sparkpostmail.com> Jeanne Larson shared an update on <em>Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2</em> Check it out and leave a comment: Petition Update Amber Heard has been fired from Aquaman 2 Some inside sources have unofficially confirmed that Amber Heard has been sacked from AM2. Apparently they don't want to start filming and then get left in the lurch if she gets hauled off to jail for falsifying evidence, a very real possibility. It's not official confirmation, but it's the next best thing. It's likely that the official announcement will come after Johnny Depp wins one or both... https://click.e.change.org/f/a/wWc9VSnHzZgVbj_sknzOxA~~/AANj1QA~/RgRgmDbBP4Q... Discover petitions promoted by Change.org users Bring Priya and her beautiful family back home to Biloela, Queensland Show you care about our Aussie Farmers in Drought... Provide Adequate and Practical Respiratory Protection for... Crown to appeal the sentance of the girl that killed our son in a hit... Australian Healthcare Workers demand safe Personal Protective... ----- End forwarded message -----