/2 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.02265.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.07285v1.pdf These two papers are over five years old. Tor Project Incorporated knew about them and their classes of attacks and refused to tell their users about them and the risks to their safety. Tor Project Incorporated also refused to tell their $donors about these papers and Tor's failure to bother addressing them. Yet no media ever wonders why or bothers to call them out. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247 #TwitterFiles In fact, the media, which have been proven to be agents of the deep state, often cheers Tor, and media like the NYT run onion leak drop sites, while correlators watch their connections like hawks. "... they can correlate ... this was understood ... not just when we first made Tor, but for pre-Tor versions of onion routing. ... the paper being discussed substantially improves [attacks] ... ... reduce your sense of alarm ... ... the novelty is somewhat overstated -- Paul Syverson US Military Employee 2023/02" Lol Tor Project Executives and Principal devs knew, yet still foisted, and are still foisting, Tor upon the world anyway. And Tor Project Inc removed all warnings about tor from their frontpage and other places over decade ago. Tor Project Inc has placed tor users at risk.