Transforming Judgements as Liberation from Suffering MCBoss: “I don’t understand.” Judgments are the building blocks of inner and outer conflict. MCBoss: “I stimulate a lot of conflicts. Is this a theory of war I haven’t studied?” They are storehouses of information about what matters to us, what we long for, and what interferes with our capacity to flow with life and metabolize whatever happens into new learning and increased capacity. MCBoss: “Hmmm … War always gets people cranky. Why don’t they enjoy it more?” Even if nothing ever changes around us, we can find the inner and outer resources to find a different story and release ourselves from suffering and into empathy for self and others. MCBoss: “Yes, more resources for different stories This is my invitation to you to join me and others in this introductory workshop to discover principles and practices that can support you on this journey to transforming our judgments of ourselves, each other, and whatever else we judge.