https://rumble.com/embed/v9wl35 Censorship causes violence https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1347289861091450882 Michelle Obama Calls for Censorship, Bans, this FRAUD lies profusely too "peaceful summer protests" lol https://100percentfedup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ErKIpXiXIBAc8pH-1034x... https://100percentfedup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ErKIpXmXEAcFuoo-1034x... https://100percentfedup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/zuckerberg.jpeg Zuckerberg Spews Toxic Censor Waste Parler CEO John Matze https://parler.com/post/23a2c1d63ea94c74b04d03917ad03339 https://youtube.com/watch?v=_nQ1inav47U Parler John Matze https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1276200378296664066 " Parler CEO John Matze made a bold statement on his rapidly growing social media platform this morning: If free speech truly is the enemy and we must restrict and censor the voices of people to keep our country safe then our country is already lost. If one man’s voice is a threat to our nation but his holding of the presidential office is not, than it is apparent the powers of the presidency are less powerful than a single voice. Why should any of us settle to giving up our rights to free speech? It’s clear that Facebook and Twitter believe the ends justify the means. They believe the American people are weak. They insult our founding fathers by suggesting Zuckerburg and Dorsey know what is best for us. Parler is not an arbiter of truth. We believe in you. We believe you are wise enough to decide for yourself and trust that given access to all information we can self govern. The solution is clear. If you believe in free speech, and our founding principles of our republic, then we must liberate others by promoting free speech Parler. " Tiffany Trump posted a comment about her father being banned from Twitter, asking: “Whatever happened to free speech?” " Parler: You won’t find it on the Twitters with all those bird brains in charge. They are not a platform but a publisher. They don’t want free speech and as a byproduct, they must not like democracy. A functioning democratic republic and democratic process requires discussion, debate and access to information. We the people must make our own choices, determine for ourselves what is true and false. We must be our own fact checkers. None of this can be done without free speech and free access to information. We must liberate ourselves from their manipulation and dystopian tactics of control. " Senator Ted Cruz promoted Parler on Twitter while bashing “big tech” giants Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, platforms that silence those with whom they disagree. In his video, Cruz warned about the danger of the big tech giants having the ability to affect the November elections outcome. I’m proud to join @parler_app — a platform gets what free speech is all about — and I’m excited to be a part of it. Let’s speak. Let’s speak freely. And let’s end the Silicon Valley censorship. Follow me there @tedcruz! pic.twitter.com/pzUFvhipBZ — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 25, 2020