Mirimir, I have replied to you after what you pasted to us.
My best guess: he gave up the persona after being outed as Martin Peck.
This was my news of it:
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: Re: Pastebin of banned accounts found Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:59:07 +0200 From: carlo von lynX lynX@time.to.get.psyced.org To: <SNIP>
Hello, illustre group of recipients. I made a bit of research into the matter, wanting to figure out which e-mail exchange made "coderman" think I belong into a list of troublemakers even if I do my best to always discuss rationally - and how such a list would come about with so many respected names along mine.
I do not believe this is the answer. I think you misunderstand the email thread. You can see that Coderman is on the list as well “<snip> electromagnetize@gmail.com coderman@gmail.com data@kuketz.de <snip>” https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2015-October/010285.html We can see that Coderman doxxxed himself with Freedom of Information Act: “FOIPA adventures "you want me to consent to make my FBI file public? Are you fucking mad?" - https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/563036665837789184 --- i am currently making requests through MuckRock.com which i recommend for their helpful and dedicated staff, as well as their time devoted to review and reporting on released information. i am using the professional service, which lets you set requests private until reviewed and ready to release publicly. this implies a bit of trust in MuckRock, and i hope it is not misplaced. few years back i asked for participants in a similar effort. some things resulted: 1) this also opens up the requester to risk; that is, whoever is filing must also potentially show some trust, if a falsified DOJ-361 is sent and used as pretext to "deter" you. i have not heard of this actually happening, but i was also not willing to push it. '''beware who you accept, coder, or they're setting you up for USC 18 fuckery. sure, it may in the end be ok. but you're in misery until cleared.'''' 2) the information is going to be public; if you've got a file because you're a privacy enthusiast, then filing to make your file public is the opposite of enjoying your privacy. there is merit in taking one for team earth human, however... ” https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2015-February/006735.html I have read the MuckRock and it ends out that never was his file released: https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/foipa-17315/ - No Responsive Documents https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/privacyactdirect-19... - No Responsive Documents By the way this request is where you find Coderman's other aliases: “For the individual "Martin Russell Peck" born 1978, currently residing in zip 97123, specifically including any and all records for Martin Peck in Oregon, including past residences in Oregon; also past residences in Kansas, South Carolina, Colorado, and Utah, including records from any other applicable state office, including email addresses coderman@gmail.com , coder@peertech.org , coderman@mindspring.com, coderman@earthlink.net, coder@charter.net, also including aliases "coderman", "coderman_", "coder", "PureFiction", "fibrill", also including cross-references and indirect mentions, including records outside the investigation main file.” It is not that there are no documents but that they never did perform the search. It seems something was hanging up with Coderman's Freedom of Information Requests. Or maybe this happened like Coderman feared? “1) this also opens up the requester to risk; that is, whoever is filing must also potentially show some trust, if a falsified DOJ-361 is sent and used as pretext to "deter" you. i have not heard of this actually happening, but i was also not willing to push it. '''beware who you accept, coder, or they're setting you up for USC 18 fuckery. sure, it may in the end be ok. but you're in misery until cleared.'''' ” https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2015-February/006735.html Also a while back he has worked for TOR Project. In the list https://www.torproject.org/about/contributors.html.en “Martin Peck Worked on a VM-based transparent proxying approach for Tor clients on Windows.” I do not believe he has disappeared because of his name. Does TOR Project know what happened to Coderman? Is he outcast like Jake Applebaum?