"Arti 1.0.0 is released: Our Rust Tor implementation is ready for production use. -- Tor Project Inc" Doesn't matter what language you write it in, or what bells and whistles you add to it and advertise, tor's fundamental underlying design and operations are still subject to traffic analysis (including exposure of onion services) and infiltration. Tor Project Incorporated (aka $$$) is putting its users at risk by refusing to speak openly frankly and routinely about these problems, and by refusing for 20 years to do anything substantive about them at the protocol and ops level. $$$ and or spy friendly? Along with the problems, those questions remain unanswered. And while tor has remained stagnant, tor's adversaries have advanced light years since this disclosure was made... "Tor Stinks -- NSA, known since before 2012" Long past time for development and adoption of new competing network overlays.