Crypto: Massive Democrat Fraud With FTX SBF
SBF has been arrested ... apparently no legal process has called for it
Note the desperate, twisted, and quite possibly illegal urgency to brand SBF as an unreliable criminal testator. After running his free unprosecuted thus honorable mouth for a month, the US Democrats and Biden got panicked and risked huge politically damning incrimination and even clawbacks of $10-100M in corrupt political bribes aka "donations". Now that SBF is "charged" as a "criminal" in a "prosecution" yet another MASSIVE 2020 Democrat Election Fraud influence campaign (wit Soros, Twitter, Fake News, etc) will get buried under auspices of just another everyday corporate/personal fraud crime, not the High Crime Conspiracy of Democrats that it should be filed under... stealing $Millions from FTX users to fund and bias Democrats fraudulent election activities. Trump Won.