On Sunday, September 3, 2017, 4:07:00 PM PDT, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote: On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed. Less time hobbled on "psychedelics". More time on "revolutin". Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle. Crypto rave, on.
As an unwitting participant in either one of the last MKULTRA era experiments, or an independent M.D.'s "good deed for the day," I have a special relationship with LSD: I got microdosed twice a week for six weeks in 1972, and that experience went a long way toward making me whatever the fuck I am today. A few years later I thought I was taking LSD for the first time... but then came the "Hello old friend!" moment.[end of quote]
Check out the movie "Jacob's Ladder", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJztRnDxdM8 Movie trailer. http://pages.uoregon.edu/munno/OregonCourses/REL253F12/REL253Notes/BZStory.h... BZ (Quinuclidinyl Benzilate) is far easier to make than LSD, a dose typically 2 milligram compared to LSD's 200 microgram. I've read that the 'trip' lasts 3 days. The US Military experimented with BZ in the 1950's, in a project called "Operation Blue Skies". http://pages.uoregon.edu/munno/OregonCourses/REL253F12/REL253Notes/BZStory.h... Jim Bell [For some reason, this idiot Yahoo mail client isn't letting me convert these URL's into clickable links.]