On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed.
> Less time hobbled on "psychedelics".
> More time on "revolutin".
> Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle.
> Crypto rave, on.
>As an unwitting participant in either one of the last MKULTRA era
experiments, or an independent M.D.'s "good deed for the day," I have a
special relationship with LSD: I got microdosed twice a week for six
weeks in 1972, and that experience went a long way toward making me
whatever the fuck I am today. A few years later I thought I was taking
LSD for the first time... but then came the "Hello old friend!" moment.
[end of quote]
Check out the movie "Jacob's Ladder", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJztRnDxdM8 Movie trailer.
BZ (Quinuclidinyl Benzilate) is far easier to make than LSD, a dose typically 2 milligram compared to LSD's 200 microgram. I've read that the 'trip' lasts 3 days.
The US Military experimented with BZ in the 1950's, in a project called "Operation Blue Skies".
Jim Bell
[For some reason, this idiot Yahoo mail client isn't letting me convert these URL's into clickable links.]