On 06/10/2016 06:22 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 04:13:16AM -0500, Cryptobits wrote:
It's easier to lose all your money in Oklahoma than it is in Las Vegas! ⋅ https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/north_america/americas...
In SOME PLACES they do that, or if they can't, they JAIL YOU (Ferguson, Mo is classic...) In California they go one better. All municipal infractions without criminal penalties are turned over to a state-mandated private collection agency and the municipalities receive a percentage of the value of the tickets. The collection agency then duns you for two years trying to collect then turns them over to the state IRS (Franchise Tax Board) which pays them the uncollected amount. Now... apply that to a houseless jobless person, and there has to be hundreds of thousands, literally, in California, with zero ability to pay sometime HUNDREDS of camping and other nuisance ordinance tickets they might receive over the years. Besides the harassment value of writing those tickets which is repaid to the municipality by the collection agency on receipt, the state's taxpayers pay for the cost of the ticket, and that money is locked into the judicial-law enforcement industrial complex instead of being used to, lets say, build low cost and affordable housing. Providing job development, re-integration services etc. Rr