Try Before You Buy
Hello, My name is Rich Williams, and I am the President of Capital Computer Concepts. I would like to offer you a try before you buy opportunity for our "Professional Home Business" software. That's right, a free trial offer with no risk to you. All I ask is that pay for the postage and handling in the amount of $7.95 US for Domestic orders and $11.95 US for International orders. Please understand that you will not get any of the hardcopy that goes with the program. But if you decide to buy the package, then I will send the paperwork after I receive your payment. Also with your payment I will send you a duplication license, which will allow you to make as many copies of the software and the information in the software, as you want. If you would like more information about the software, e-mail my auto responder at: with the word "Homework" in the subject line. You should receive the info package shortly there after. Thank You, for requesting information about some of our products. Sincerely, Richard G. Williams President, Capital Computer Concepts
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Capital Computer Concepts