Re: Another bad idea

On 12 Jul 96 at 10:23, Alan Olsen wrote: [..]
Of course this is all a moot point, because it has been proven by computer projections that all informative net traffic will be buried under advertisements by the year 2000 anyways. I expect some legislative body to try and make money fast on the net by selling ad space on IP packet headers.
Yes. They can follow the American model and rather than censor communications, allow advertising. Nobody will be able to get an inteeligent thought from the net without being interrupted by an ad every five minutes... and people will pay good money for this 'privledge' (sp?) too. Rob --- No-frills sig. Befriend my mail filter by sending a message with the subject "send help" Key-ID: 5D3F2E99 1996/04/22 (root@magneto) AB1F4831 1993/05/10 Deranged Mutant <> Send a message with the subject "send pgp-key" for a copy of my key.
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