interactiveJumpstart Spotlight [1]Phillips Publishing International, Inc. Online Gambling Exec Praises Shutdown of Gaming Site courtesy: Multimedia Wire The chairman of an online gambling industry ethics panel praised the effort of the Maryland attorney general to close down a gambling Web site as an early move to regulate the fledgling online casino industry. Attorney General J. Joseph Curran issued a cease-and-desist order against RealTIME Prizes Network for running Prizes.com, a site that offers a variety of pay-for-play sweepstakes through customers' credit cards or through CyberCash. Online gambling can be done legally and legitimately, but only by working with government regulators, said Kendell Lang, chairman of an Interactive Services Association panel devising ethics for online casino operators and CEO of CasinoWorld Holdings. RealTIME has "flown in the face of regulators and gives the industry a bad name," Lang said. "We want to support the attorneys general of each and every state to get control of the situation." Curran targeted RealTIME because its operations are in Silver Spring, Md., a spokesman said. The attorney general could take additional action if RealTIME were to move to another state and accept business from Maryland residents, he added. Despite the desist order, Prizes.com was still operational yesterday. RealTIME was not immediately available for comment. [2]Home | [3]Free Email Newsletters | [4]Membership Invitation [5]Daily Hot News | [6]Marketing & Research | [7]Deals [8]Spotlight | [9]Developers Corner | [10]Classifieds _________________________________________________________________ © Copyrighted material 1997. It is unlawful to copy, reproduce or retransmit in any medium or format without written permission from Phillips Business Information, Inc. References 1. http://www.phillips.com/ 2. http://www.ijumpstart.com/ 3. http://www.ijumpstart.com/freee.htm 4. http://www.ijumpstart.com/membrinv.htm 5. http://www.ijumpstart.com/hotnews.htm 6. http://www.ijumpstart.com/mkt_rsch.htm 7. http://www.ijumpstart.com/deals.htm 8. http://www.ijumpstart.com/spotlite.htm 9. http://www.ijumpstart.com/developr.htm 10. http://www.ijumpstart.com/class.htm
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