More anonymous hate mail from John Gilmore, Timmy May, and friends
I've received the following e-mail from an anonymous coward. It didn't have any carriage returns (I added them).
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 09:23:00 -0700 Message-Id: <> To: From: (Anonymous) Comments: Please report misuse of this automated remailing service to <> Subject: Yo, Kook! Read this.
"Phillip M. Hallam-Baker" <> writes:
Actually the opposite is the case, he is a notorious womanizer.
Are _you gay, Phil?
Look, Kook. Can you at least wait 24 hours after complaining about eliptic curves being somehow off-topic (as I recall, it was 50k rants about Armenian genocide that got your dumb ass booted) before posting your own off-topic sewage? Who gives a flying fuck who is or isn't gay or perverted or whatever in their private lives? What does it have to do with crypto, or proficiency in programming, or anything that matters to most of the list? It seems to me that you should try casting your "pearls" before the much more "noble" animals of the freedom-knights, who (as opposed to me) _DO_ care who is or isn't homosexual. Get back on your meds, it'll do you (and the list) good.
One of the meanings of "punk" is "young homosexual". There are a lot of them on the "cypherpunks" mailing list, trying to be social and to make friends. They think that the "cypher" part is "kewl" and even rant about it, without understanding the meanings of the technical terms they use (like the recurrent rant about brute-force attacks on one-time pads). But they don't know much about cryptography, so when someone, e.g., tries to talk about elliptic curves, the "punk" crowd screams that it's "off-topic". Today is Thanksgiving, so I hope you choke on your turkey (or whatever else ends up in your mouth :-). I'm thankful that I wasn't born in this country, because Americans are so stupid.
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