CABLE DESCRAMBLER...Build Cheap & Easy!

CABLE DESCRAMBLER -Build with 7 Radio Shack parts costing $13.00 -----------View all PREMIUM and PAY- PER VIEW channels.-------------- Our Cable Descrambler package is an information kit containing easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to build a cable descrambler from a few inexpensive parts available at Radio Shack or your local electronics store. Your descrambler will allow you to view ALL the Premium and Pay-Per-View channels as long as you subscribe to BASIC cable service. The assembly is very simple and does not require any kind of electronic training or experience. Just follow the clear instructions and simple diagram and you will be enjoying your extra channels in less than an hour. IT'S THAT EASY! Don't wait. Order now and you too can begin enjoying all that cable television has to offer. So save yourself some money! ....Order your cable descrambler package today for a one time fee of only $13.95 We will send your package right away... And as always, our plans are backed by a full MONEY-BACK-GUARANTEE. ************************************************************ ORDER FORM: #h1 (circle one) Money Order Check Credit Card (Circle One: VISA, M/C, Discover) Credit card # ________________________________________ Expiration Date____________________ Signature_________________________________________ Guaranteed Fee $13.95. I need you to RUSH processing. Please add $5.00: Total $_______ TO EXPEDITE PROCESSING: Fill out all information, print, and FAX TO (619) 683-9130 (If paying by credit card) If paying by cash, check, or money order.... Please make payable to: C.B. SYSTEMS.... Fill out the following information; & MAIL TO: C.B. SYSTEMS 6161 EL CAJON BLVD #B-427 SAN DIEGO, CA 92115 Name_____________________________ Address___________________ City ___________ State _____Zip __________ Phone #(___)____ -________ *Email_________________________________ *Please leave e-mail address if you would like to recieve this package via e-mail. ************************************************************ Once you have received this message you are automatically removed from our mailing list. We are sorry if this message was unwanted....Sincerely.
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