Re: The Political Education of Eric Tune

On 2/20/98 1:32 AM, Eric Cordian ( passed this wisdom:
Listen up jerk, in case you didn't get any news during 1990, Iraq attacked Kuwait, and murdered thousands of Kuwaitis.
Iraq, mislead by the US into believing that there would be no interference in its long-standing dispute with Kuwait, annexed it, providing a pretense for the US to do some dirty work for the Israelis, who did not want to tolerate an Arab military giant in their region.
Kuwait provoked Iraq far more than places like Panama and Grenada have provoked the United States, when US forces poured in to remove existing governments, and install regimes sympathetic to Washington, also killing thousands of uninvolved civilians.
Somewhere in there I also remember reading about the fact that Kuwait was slant drilling into a major Iraqi oil field and systematically pumping it for all it was worth. Not exactly kosher! Many greater conflicts have been begun for far more trivial transgressions. Brian B. Riley --> For PGP Keys <> "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Brian B. Riley