Public briefing on NRC Cryptography Policy Report in...

Subject: Public briefing on NRC Cryptography Policy Report in Boston, August 7 Please post widely.... Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society A Public Briefing in Boston, Massachusetts Wednesday, August 7, 1996, 10:00 am to noon There will be a public briefing Boston, Massachusetts by the National Research Council on the report. The briefing will be held at the Gardener Auditorium in the State House in Boston on Wednesday, August 7, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Check for current information. Authoring committee member Elliot M. Stone will be among the presenters at the Boston briefing. Dr. Herbert Lin, study director and senior staff officer of CSTB, will be present. The Boston Computer Society Legal Group, the Boston Bar Association and the Information Technology Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are co-hosts for this event. Questions from the audience will be entertained, and a limited number of pre-publication copies of the report will be available at that time. For further information, please contact Dan Greenwood at (617) 973-0071 or DGreenwood @ The event is open to the press and the public. If you have suggestions about other places that the committee should offer a public briefing, please send e-mail to
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