Re: Jeff's Side of the Story.

Beware... all of this is speculation, because huge.cajones was an anonymous service, not even I can say with any authority that any of the people named below had anything to do with the shutdown of huge.cajones (or The MailMasher). However, there are a number of coincidences of timing.
Who was it that used the threat of a lawsuit to shut down the remailer? I, for one, would be more than happy to make certain that they receive ample opportunity to "Make $$Money$$ Fast!!" by receiving a mountain of information as to how to do so. Anyone who would attack a remailer is probably involved in child pornography and drug dealing and these perverts should be exposed for what they are. D r . R o b e r t s (Anonymous) wrote:
Who was it that used the threat of a lawsuit to shut down the remailer? I, for one, would be more than happy to make certain that they receive ample opportunity to "Make $$Money$$ Fast!!" by receiving a mountain of information as to how to do so.
They're probably receiving plenty of spam right about now. (see From: line)
participants (2)