Pauline Hanson's Newsletter
Issue 1.7, February 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: No unsolicited email is sent. If you do not want to be on the mailing list please say "REMOVE" in the subject line and return this message in the body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear supporters in NSW, You may not have seen the recent article in the Australian Financial Review (3rd Feb 1998). Here is a short summary. The subject is political donations: Over 90% of loans (or $4,650,000) to the Liberal Party have been made by one body - the Greenfields Foundation. This organisation has strong links with the Liberal Party's funding vehicle, the Free Enterprise Foundation which was caught out in the 1995 crackdown of the disclosure law. The post box of both is the same and the trustee of the Free Enterprise Foundation since 1981, Tony Bandle, responded to the Australian Electoral's Enquiries about disclosures by the Greenfields Foundation. The Greenfields Foundation has 'lent' the Liberal Party over 80% of its total donations to avoid disclosing just who the donors to Greenfields are. We know that most large donations received by both the Liberal and Australian Labor Party are from multinationals - the benefactors of the multilateral agreement on investment (MAI) (eg Village Roadshow over $200,000; ANZ Bank over $100,000). Benefactors of the MAI, like media giant News Limited, have gone out of their way to try to close down donations to One Nation by alleging large commissions and rewards for One Nation National Director David Ettridge. These claims are false and have one aim - to financially cripple Pauline Hanson's One Nation while multinationals quietly throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at the major parties to support their next federal campaign - one would be a fool to believe there is no contra. Meanwhile, the Liberal Party have refused to return over $50,000 to me after my win in the seat of Oxley. Most of the money would be used by me to benefit the Oxley electorate. See my on-line press release for full details: Finally, on the subject of political donations it should come therefore as no surprise that both Kim Beazley and John Howard's foreign minister Alexander Downer have said that 'MAI is good for Australia'. Please visit: and be the judge. We desperately need your donations to ensure that One Nation can present a strong case at the next Federal Election. We are calling on 'people power' - that's you - to help us by making a donation, no matter how small it is important. If you believe, like I do that Australia has got to be turned around what cost can be too much for the sake of our children and their children? Please contact the Manly office on (02) 9976 0283 or complete and return the donation form at: For those of you who are members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation we are holding a celebration of the party's first anniversary over the Easter Weekend (April 10-12) on my rural property near Ipswich in South East Queensland. In true Australian style camping and bar-b-ques under the starlit sky will be the order of the day. There will be competitions, entertainment like bush dancing, karaoke and horse racing - and much, much more. If you are interested please contact (07) 3369 8214, 3848 2197, 3399 6662 or 3399 6901 for details. Costs range from $25 per day for adults or just $45 for the three. Families from $55 for the one day to $85 for the three. Book before you put this one in your diary (limited numbers)! Finally important Internet addresses: Pauline Hanson's One Nation: One Nation Press Releases (about 10 in the last month): Pauline Hanson
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