A wee bit of Civil Disobedience

Want to add a bit of mass civil disobedience to the Crypto movement? Get alt.binaries.crypto created as a usenet news group. Why has this not happened already? This will make an even bigger mockery of the ITARs, the EARs, and the other silly regs throughout the world. [BTW, for those of you who oppose "Careerpunks", consider this... How can you throw your crypto-sabots if you cannot get close to the machinary of industry?] Jarvis Pym Mad Chemist of Kaos

nobody@huge.cajones.com (Huge Cajones Remailer) wrote:
Want to add a bit of mass civil disobedience to the Crypto movement?
Get alt.binaries.crypto created as a usenet news group.
Why has this not happened already? This will make an even bigger mockery of the ITARs, the EARs, and the other silly regs throughout the world.
Someone newgrouped alt.binaries.warez.crypto a year or two ago. It never got any traffic, other than from a few spammers. OTOH if someone could create something like comp.sources.cryptology, it might get better reception.
participants (2)