[Noise] Internet makes niche markets possible

[The following post has zero crypto relevance.] We all have heard much rhetoric concerning the Internet enabling the creation of niche markets. Markets that wouldn't exist otherwise, since potential sellers would not be able to reach a sufficient number of potential buyers to make production of a good profitable. But how many instances such newly created markets are you aware of? Well, I discovered a rather sweet example. You really like M&M's. You know: the round chocolate candy that melt in your mouth, not in your hand. The only problem is, you don't like the standard colors. You would much rather have all blue M&M's or, better yet, a bag containing only teal and light pink. Since the market for teal or light pink M&M's is marginal, the maker of M&M's does not include these colors in the bags one can purchase at nearest corner store. What to do? VoilĂ , the Internet to the rescue. Mars, the worldwide candy powerhouse and manufacturer of M&M's, decided to tap this newly possible business opportunity by offering custom colored M&M's through their webpage at http://www.m-ms.com/ A Shockwave applet allows you to combine your favorite colors and order the candy mix of your choice. Finally, teal M&M's are yours to indulge. Enjoy, --Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Put a stake through the heart of DES! Join the quest at http://www.frii.com/~rcv/deschall.htm
participants (1)
Lucky Green