Where is _my_ blowjob?
Visited the CNN website earlier. I wasn't at all surprised to see the factual errors and pandering to government spoon feeders for the main sources of many CNN stories. After all, when Captial Hill'$ bottom feeders give away fify billion dollars worth of valuable digital airwave bandwidth, I expect them to ask for a few extras thrown in with the usual bribes and blow-jobs. So it was no great surprise to find CNN still reporting the LIE that the child-rapist/murderer in New Jersey had been a victim of a sexual predator he had met on the InterNet, despite the fact that the news services who *aren't* part of the fifty billion dollar giveaway of taxpayer-citizen's public resources have been reporting the FACTS for quite some time now. Seems the guy bopping the murderer met him on a 1-900 line. Should I hold my breath waiting for the loud calls by reporters and legislators for strict new laws taking away citizens' rights to free speech on the phone systems of America, or would that be dangerous to my health? I know that CNN also has to fill in a few spaces between government spoon-fed mind-control propaganda being fed to the citizens by the recipients of the public largess, so that CNN is forced to throw in a few quickie references to some other websites and information other than that which comes directly out of the assholes of Lying Fuck Freeh and Nazi Cunt Reno, such as: Crime on the Superhighway http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6647/ Investigator Lynn Zwicke However, did somebody on the staff get a blow-job in return for putting a supposed NEWS pointer to this schmuck's ADVERTISEMENT for his or her PI business? I certainly hope that this is the case, since someone should have gotten *something* for opening CNN up to a lawsuit for providing a pointer to an incompetent schmuck who is spreading extremely bad FUD (fear, uncertainty, disinformation) in regard to child abuse and abusers, in order to turn a quick buck. I imagine that CNN has some fine-print disclaimer somewhere, explaining that they are not responsible for the victims of incompetent and perhaps unlicensed schmucks that CNN blesses with their own reputation capital when directing people to supposed news/information sites, but I doubt that the parent of an abused child or a falsely accused child abuse victim is going to be to impressed, nonetheless, with CNN's lack of integrity in not spending the time, effort and expense needed to make certain that they are not throwing their trusting readers into the mouths of waiting hyenas. I'm still waiting for the CNN story which replies to the DoJ and FBI *HANDOUTS* detailing their list of 4,000 suspected pedophiles, with a question as to whether some of the 800 LEA's present at the murder of the religious group in Waco perhaps didn't have some extra time on their hands that might have been better spent investigating all of these alleged pedophiles, rather than pushing and shoving each other to get pictures of burning children. OK, I'm holding my breath, starting........NOW! TruthMonger
Some sort of Monger wrote:
So it was no great surprise to find CNN still reporting the LIE that the child-rapist/murderer in New Jersey had been a victim of a sexual predator he had met on the InterNet, despite the fact that the news services who *aren't* part of the fifty billion dollar giveaway of taxpayer-citizen's public resources have been reporting the FACTS for quite some time now.
The facts are that a 15 year old exploring his gay sexuality entered into a long term relationships with an older guy he met on a chat line. Cops entrapped the younger one in a child porn sting, seized his hard drive, bugged his phone, and tried to force him to incriminate his friend. He finally got pissed, smashed the recording machine, told his friend what was going on, and suggested the cops fuck themselves. His parents and the cops then tried to have him declared insane and institutionalized, which didn't work. They also immediately arrested his friend. The cops working on his case then phoned the team investigating the murder of the younger boy, and gave his name to them as a suspect. He was then arrested and jailed for that murder, although no direct evidence linking him to the murder has been released. The boy's parents have now embarked upon a nationwide crusade claiming that their "rights" were violated because laws do not allow the parents of a minor to institutionalize him at will. They have signed a legal waver of their child's right to privacy in order to facilitate this crusade, in spite of the fact that he will likely be tried as an adult and this will undoubtedly prejudice his trial. Meanwhile, the parents have not let these minor tribulations mess up the their heavy schedule of lavish vacations and casino gambling. The press continues to harp on the "murder suspect was abused" and "parents rights foiled by the system" aspects of the case, to the exclusion of the possibility that he is only in jail because the police wanted to screw him, or that the murder was committed in a blind fit of rage as a result of his manipulation at the hands of various authority figures. Somewhere in all of this is the truth, which will no doubt unfold as all these scenarios play themselves out. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"
Eric Cordian <emc@wire.insync.net> writes:
The press continues to harp on the "murder suspect was abused" and "parents rights foiled by the system" aspects of the case, to the exclusion of the possibility that he is only in jail because the police wanted to screw him, or that the murder was committed in a blind fit of rage as a result of his manipulation at the hands of various authority figures.
I think the 15-y-o did not kill the 11-o-y. I think Chris Lewis did it. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps
participants (3)
Eric Cordian