Re: PGP assimilated by NAI
Anonymous wrote:
No doubt. I offer the observation that only someone doing a favor for the government or someone operating from the totally mind-fucked perspective of modern mismanagement would invest good money to buy a company whose principal asset was its "good will" and proceed to completely trash that marketplace good will, abandon the world-famous name of product and company, and physically assimilate the hapless wage slaves working there by another group that represents the antithesis of what PGP stood for in the minds of virtually all who knew it, worldwide. How can this _possibly_ be a good business decision in and of itself? Occam's Razor: It isn't -- it's only good in terms of what someone may have promised in return for destroying PGP. It's a lot easier to see how that might be the case than to see how NAI/NG could come out winning in the marketplace by cancelling out everything that PGP, Inc. had going for it.
Back in the 'old days', when I had to walk ten miles, uphill, in a blinding snowstorm, only to find that computers did not exist yet, I was a founder of one of the first Canadian anti-nuclear grassroots organizations. Once the anti-nuke movement had progressed to the point where it was a viable entity, worthy of press coverage, etc., the Canadian government began to 'recognize' the legitimacy of the movement, and to 'fund' it (hee-hee). I went to the self-congratulatory celebration party held by the members of the group I had founded who had managed to line up at the government trough by abandoning their ethics and values in favor of a government-mandated policy of taking a 'reasonable' middle-road in the group's activities. I was there for eleven minutes. I spent the first five minutes shoveling as much free food as humanly possible down my throat. I spent the next five minutes draining every bottle of free liquor in sight down my throat. I spent the next minute barfing everything I had consumed all over the government representative who was in attendance to make certain that everyone was toeing the line and not saying 'bad things' about the Canadian government or the Nuclear Power Industry. Prologic Management Systems, Inc., bought Basis, Inc., in Berzerkeley a couple years ago (considered by some to be the main lair of a secret organization dedicated to preventing the Evil One from using computer technology to imprison the minds and souls of humankind). My research indicated that Prologic was a spook-owned 'company killer' which specialized in buying out and decimating companies who actually had a capacity to resist the diabolical aims of the NWO. When Network Associates bought PGP, I did similar research on NAI and Network General, and came to the same conclusions.
("Psst! Buy PGP and fuck it over until no one recognizes or trusts it, and we'll throw you a $50 million contract next year from our Black Budget!")
I have a friend in Arizona who asks me for investment advice, and I recently told him to invest heavily in companies being acquired by WorldComm. My rationalization for his investing heavily in companies in league with the Anti-Christ was that, when Jesus comes back, he'll have enough money to buy him a meal and drinks at the best restaurant in town, thus redeeming himself.
This is a Pretty Good Example of why it was a Pretty Bad Idea to form PGP, Inc. in the first place. Phil, the brave but too-politically-correct middle-aged naive liberal guy, is seeing his creation burn to ashes before his eyes. Parents should never outlive their children -- it ruins them, as is part of the game plan here, I suspect.
FuckedAgainGeezMyAssIsGettingSoreMonger II
Whenever the government 'legitimatizes' any organization/product, it is generally for the purpose of co-opting/fucking them. The government uses the carrot-stick method on the citizen-animal. First, it gives them the carrot/benefit for registering their identity with the government (SSN#) and then it gives them the stick/buttfucking once they are identified and categorized. ImFromTheGovernmentAndImHereToHelpBendOverAndGiveMeYourNumberMonger
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