EXTRO-3: Extropy Institute's Third Conference on the Future

Hope you may be interested... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- E X T R O 3: Extropy Institute's Third Conference on the Future August 9-10 1997, Doubletree Hotel, San Jose, CA Saturday (Aug 9) theme: The Future of the Body and Brain. Sunday (Aug 10) theme: Future Infrastructure. The conference will include presentations by Eric Drexler - nanotechnology pioneer and chairman of the Foresight Institute, Gregory Stock - Author of "Metaman", Kevin Kelly - executive editor of Wired, Max More - President of the Extropy Institute, Mark Miller - founder of Agorics, Inc., Chris Peterson, Sharon Presley, Sasha Chislenko, Robin Hanson, Anders Sandberg, and others, as well as panel sessions devoted to progress in Artificial Intelligence, Investing in the Future, and Future of Gender and Sexuality. Extropy Institute functions as a networking organization bringing together scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, philosophers, and artists who share certain general interests including: extending life span, augmenting intelligence (both cognitive and emotional), gaining access to space, and achieving control over our own biology through genetic engineering, bioengineering, neural-computer interfaces, and molecular nanotechnology. We welcome all interested members of the public to attend and participate. Past speakers have included Marvin Minsky of MIT, Bart Kosko - fuzzy logic and neural network pioneer at USC, Roy Walford - leading gerontologist at UCLA, Hans Moravec - Director of Carnegie-Mellons Mobile Robotics Lab, Michael Rothschild - author of Bionomics, and Ralph Merkle - nanotechnologist at Xerox Parc. For more information, please visit <http://www.extropy.org/extro3.htm> or call (310) 398-0375 and leave your mailing address or email address, or send email to more@extropy.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Chislenko <http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/home.html> Great Thinkers page: <http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/thinkers.html> -------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko