Re: Is there a freeware knockoff
On Sunday, 09 Aug 1998 at 14:41:50 +0000, phusnikn <> revealed the depths of his ignorance by writing:
To: Copies to: Subject: Re: Is there a freeware knockoff of SSH for win95
How do i get off this mailing list? cybertoads/cyberpunks of what ever it is.??
Oh, man! That's what I want to know! How do _you_ get off this mailing list? The question of the day, isn't it? Anyone who uses "cyber" in near proximity to "punks" is automatically disqualified from being on this list. So how did you slip in here? You're here, but unfortunately getting off/out is not so easy. I could suggest that you withdraw all your savings and buy a clue, but that would obviously be futile in your case. You should probably contemplate your navel and how you got _onto_ the list, for oh, say, three hours. If enlightenment doesn't come, you might try eating a handful of castor beans. I've heard that aids digestion. Not yours, of course, but it will no doubt ease the pains of the rest of the list members. If you're still troubled by list membership after that, you might try the old tried and true solution for undesired list problems: shoot yourself in the head. If that doesn't work, try a larger caliber. If that doesn't work, try loading the gun first. HelpfulListInfoMonger II
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