David E. Smith wrote:
In InfoWarriors-Alpha (Beyond the Valley of the Planet of the Return of the InfoWarriors) I put a link to bureau42 from the text: cyberassassination scheme. I was going to put a pointer to the file itself, but couldn't get the URL. Feel free to change it on your copy, if you like.
Fixed. This latest incarnation of the saga will be at http://bureau42.base.org/public/warriors/ . BTW, if you know of places where I can get reliable, non-censored, decent-bandwidth, and cheap! web space let me know. The account which is the home for bureau42 is dangerously close to its quota, and I can't yet afford to have that T1 piped into my apartment. (sigh)
Dave, You must be a boonie-dweller, like myself. I live in an area where, if I lose my account, I have no options. It amazes me that I have been able, thus far, to send thinly veiled death threats to world leaders and The Richest Man in the US (TM) without being 'killed or caught.'
p.s. - Do you have any good pointers to email interception information? My little 'spoof' has resulted in quite a few inquiries and I should probably send these poor people the best info I can, to keep from going to CypherHell.
Heh. I'm sure, given all the research you and your people did for that InfoWarriors document, you can come up with something on your own. Some places to start: dig up information on the major NAPs, like MAE-East and the two or so incarnations of MAE-West; since something like 80% of traffic on the whole damn internet is routed through one of those, regardless of where it's going, a tap there could prove interesting indeed. (And I recall seeing, a few months ago, a cute article on MAE-East, which lives in the basement of a parking garage in New Jersey. Talk about security through obscurity.)
For all of the 'dire predictions' that we hear about terrorists, etc., I find it amazing that systems such as those you mention are not disabled at will by these alleged 'enemies of mankind', despite their obvious vulnerability. Could it possibly be that The Enemy (TM) is dancing with our Protectors (TM) in a reality-spoof that consists of behind-the-scenes Puppeteers pulling our strings? The (successful) attempts of grey-shrouded background entities to launch attacks on Tim May, the CypehrPunks list, etc., have given many of those I communicate with privately cause to believe that it may be time for The Movement (TM) to move underground, once again. What is interesting is that, for all of my paranoid, conspiratorial rantings, I am only a fool making light parody of the true dark forces which are operating in the background of our reality. Anyone who thinks I jest about this might want to get a second opinion from Jim Bell... After cleaning up my Sympatico web site, I will send you the information you need to access it. Feel free to use it as a temporary solution to your space constraints, but keep in mind that it may well be yanked at any moment. Perhaps someone with a direct InterNet connection will be able to provide you with the needed cyberspace. To me, *you* are one of the "Heroes of the Revolution," as are all of the remailer operators, Eternity Server developers, and slant-eyed schills such as Joichi Ito, who are trying to make the best of a bad situation (TM) in an attempt to move toward a goal which is very likely improbable, impossible, or just plain inexplicable. As the 'Youth in Asia Society' says: "Kill The President!" TruthMonger
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