Tarantula Day Afternoon - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!
Tarantula Day Afternoon - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! _______________________________________________________ * To: Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC <lreed@west.cscwc.pima.edu> * Subject: Iz thiz real? * From: Reeza! <howree@cable.navy.mil> * Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM __________________________________________________________________ This reads as real, not the mindless rehashing of almost'was that typically characterizes the posts from "Linda Reed". Linda, are you sure you didn't eat the drugs, and imagine you were a space alien? Reeza! __________________________________________________________________ As Carlos S. Thompson and Hunter Castenada would no doubt agree, keeping track of what Was/!Was (TM), when surfing a Digital Mind Wave on a hacked machine with both MultiMedia and MultiReality capabilities, can sometimes leave one confused as to where OneSelf (1) ends, and where the Other/GreatVoid (0) begins. Adding to the confusion is the fact that the normal True/False values returned by IfAndOrWhoTheFuckWantsToKnowConditionalParole Statements, is (1) for True, and (0) for False, making it very easy for graduates of the Richard Nixon School of Reality to believe that OneSelf is always right, while the Other is always wrong, and that thus, They (TM) are out to get you, and that if they succeed, They won't have Little Jimmy Hacker's Sack to kick around anymore. On the other hand, the recent proliferation of rattlesnakes and tarantulas showing up, out of the blue, on the doorstep of the abode in which I am currently residing, as well as underneath the desk from which I am currently canning the small squares of pink, digital flesh being marketed on the CypherPunks Disturbed Male LISP, leads me to believe that, unless I am picking up visions of pre-release Stephen King novels through the fillings in my teeth, then some part of what I am writing must be true enough to be pissing *someone* off... Regretfully, although I have been driving the tarantulas out into the desert and releasing them (next to the mayor's house), I have not checked to see if they actually contain little, tiny brain electrodes in their skulls, whereby they may be directed by remote control toward me, specifically, by the children of spooks who really haven't gotten the hang of the new technology, yet, and who seize the opportunity to grease the family income by putting their relatives on the payroll. Now, as far as the posts to the CypherPunks list purporting to be from thirteen year-old nymphomaniacs and pipe-bomb avacados, far be it from me to imagine, even in my deepest fits of raging paranoia, that these might be some cheap attempt at getting me to reply, given my past long, ramblind diatribes on young boys' hardware, and young girls' software, not to mention the silly allegations about Canada-wide warrants out for my arrest on Mad Bomber charges. As I will soon extrapolate (this is the *wrong* word to use, here, but it sounds so much like it has to do with leather, and bondage, that I couldn't help myself...) on, any Spook/LEA who took the time and trouble to run previous editions of my many public eruditions through their ComputerizedPersonalProfiling System would undoubtedly find that any entrapment aimed toward me, personally, should use bait which smelled like BitchInHeat sprayed on a NuclearSuitcaseMoustrap. [Not to mention, as I will explain in more detail, early next week, trolling for interest/information on the on-site preparation of anthrax-related types of substances which could be safely created without risk of self-exposure, if one were to have an interest in, let's say, for the sake of argument, wiping out all of the members of an enemy training camp, leaving nothing but a PileOfBones where a GangOfOppressors previously existed.] Of course, any wild-eyed conspiracy theory involving a group of individuals capable of monitoring the populace and having agents in place throughout society who were in a position to use detailed, effective personality profiles to control, fuck with or entrap an astounding number of individual members of the citizenry, would have to include hard evidence of research and experimentation in these areas. No problem... The OfficiallyDeclaredGoodGuys working for GodBlessAmerica SecretSpyAgencies, as opposed to SecretSpyAgencies of EvilForeign GovernmentsofDarkerSkinnedPeople, always seem to find themselves forced to, in order to develop the capacity to be here to help us, study, in detail, the techniques and methods of the most vile, depraved monsters on the face of the earth. Thus CIA brainwashing researchers such as psychologist John Gittinger, in order to prepare to 'help' us, needed not only to study the records of the Nazi medical butchers at Dachau, and the techniques of Communist Chinese brainwashing methods, but even to pore over ancient documents which went as far back as the Spanish Inquisition. [Note From The Author: I would be the last to cast aspirsions on Mr. Gittinger doing his job, any more than I would do so on the Allan Memorial Institute Staff Members who chased an escaping Lauren G. up Mount Royal, in her attempts to escape the mind- butchery of Dr. Ewen Cameron, and, after dragging back, "shot her full of sedatives, attached electrodes to her temples, and gave her a dose of electroshock," or, even cast aspersions on those nice folks at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City who were only doing their jobs--and if a few people get their minds destroyed, or children are burned alive in an agonizing, horrible death as a result of these people doing their jobs, who am I to complain, since things are OK for me...I'm eating regularly, TV has been pretty good this week, and I was only beaten by guys who looked a lot like Mounties, with a member of the Pima County Sheriff's Department looking on, a single time this week.] In order to put the efforts of our GodBlessAmerica SecretSpys to crack open the secrets of the BadMindControllers, as well as the minds of their own test subjects, into proper perspective, we must take note that, according to Harold Wolff, a professor of neurology and psychology at Cornell University, "The problem faced by the physician is quite similar to that faced by the Communist interrogator." John Marks explains that, "Both would be trying to put their subject back *in*harmony* with*his*environment*, whether the *problem* was headache or *ideological*dissent*." and that, "He felt he could help his patients by putting them into an isolated, disoriented state, from which it would be easier to create new behavior patterning." [EditWhore's Note: A quick perusal of the Mission Statements of a wide variety of groups, organizations and agencies, such as the Moonies, the Mafia, the CIA, the Political Party Machines, the American Psychiatric Association, our Mothers and Fathers, Teachers and Principals, were all trying to use 'Differential Amnesia/PsychicDriving' because they were from SelfDeclared Authority, and they were there to Help (TM) us...] [Note From T. Arthur: I, personally, have had so much Help (TM) during my lifetime, that I have had to have reconstrutive surgery on my ButtHole six times.] Anyway... The *BadNews*, for those concerned about the 'potential' for current InterNet/Computer Technology to be used in putting us all in little digital boxes (for future herding into little digital feeding pens, to eventually be heavily salted and spit out into snack-bowls on the counters of Reptilian Nazi bars, during Happy For*Some*OfUsHour), is that the work towards eventually being able to take polls of the *average* public mind, as well as making the public mind *average*, has been going on at a hectic pace for over a half-century, and that Computer/InterNet technology is merely icing on the cake for the Controllers who already know that the 'MineSweeper' game in Windows is even more fun when played in the MeatSpace of ThirdWorldCountries, using children as playing pieces, to guess where the mines are. ("OK, Raoul, now take two steps to the left...") In the late thirties and early forties, a variety of university educators/researchers were involved in the twin areas of devising ways to measure/categorize the populace and influence/program the citizenry, as well. General Donovan enlisted Harvard psychology professor H. Murray to devise a testing program to help sort through the recruits being rushed through the OSS. This systematic effort to evaluate an individual's personality, in order to predict his future behavior, would soon be used in large corporations, starting with AT&T. Around the same time, Erich Fromm's 1930's questionnaire, which had been devised to psychoanalyze German workers as being either "authoritarian," "revolutionary," or "ambivalent," was changed by Theodor Adorno to be used in a more politically correct manner, measuring the "democratic personality," rather than measuring the "revolutionary personality." (TroubleMakers, all of them...) The end-goal of this fixation on 'measuring,' of course, is to weed out the misfits, and to recognize which individuals would benefit from a 'reeducation' of their basic world view. Madison Avenue would fund much of the public-opinion survey development used to guage and measure different categories of the citizenry, while the Office of Radio Research at Columbia University would emerge from the MindControlCloset as the Bureau of Applied Social Research, with Cominterns' Lazersfeld turning his attentions to psychoanalyzing American voting behavior. Naturally, the first American President elected with the Madison Avenue and Social Research agencies in full control of the his campaign, was a military man, former General, Dwight Eisenhower. By the time that MassMindControl techniques were sufficiently developed to enable them to be used influence the election of our political leaders, MKULTRA resident psychologist, John Gittinger, had apparently learned enough about interrogation from his study of the Spanish Inquisition, Dachau, Communist China, etc., to create a unique system for assessing personality and predicting future behavior. His 'Personality Assessment System' (PAS), has not only been described as "the key to the whole clandestine business," but was quickly integrated into government, education, military, cororate and societal arenas as a means of determining the future, and the positions to be held, by those who had been categorized by the plethora of variations that were generated from Gittinger's work. One of the keys to Gittinger's PAS, was it's ability to reveal, with "uncanny accuracy," how well people were able to "adapt their social behavior to the demands of the culture they lived in." In essence, it was the perfect tool for weeding out the trouble makers and misfits who were incapable or unwilling to 'adapt' to whatever elements of society and culture which were deemed to be 'important' by those in charge of developing the tests. Gittinger was funded under the cover of the Human Ecology Found- ation, and CIA officials considered his work to be such a major triumph in mind-control technology, that they moved his base of operations to a CIA proprietary company, Psychology Assessment Associates, in Washington. They provided psychological services for American corporations overseas, with branch offices in Hong Kong, Europe, and throughout the Far East, enabling them to influence the nature and types of the 'personalities' that would move into positions of influence in American firms around the world. The Human Ecology Foundation literally inundated the research and educational community with hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to expand the range of the PAS to include a wide variety of government, educational, corporate and social arenas, including a grant to the Educational Testing Service, which prepares the College Board Exams which decides who advances in the American system of higher education. David Saunders, in charge of the ETS's research, studied the correlation between brain (EEG) patterns and the College Board Exams results, as well as helping Gittinger apply the system to other countries and cultures. Gittinger, who was "building a unique database on all phases of human behavior" (Gee, I wonder what for...), was able to do a bang-up job in this area, as a result of the Human Ecology Foundation being able, as the project funder of most research in this area, to require the researchers to provide them with the gathered data. John Marks tells us, "Gittinger collected Wechslers of businessmen, students, high- priced fashion models, doctors, and just about any other discrete group he could find a way to have tested. In huge numbers, the Wechslers came flowing in, 29,000 sets, in all, by early 1970's, each one accompanied by biographic data." Gettinger particularly sought out results on deviant forms of personality--people who had rejected the values of their society or who had some hidden vice--since, although the PAS had become the darling of the psychological research community, it's chief purpose was to expand, into the public sector, the clandestine art of "assessing and exploiting human personality and motivations for ulterior purposes," as the CIA Inspector General said in 1963, while giving high marks to the PAS meeting the "prime objectives" of "control, exploitation, or neutralization," while recognizing that "These objectives are innately anti-ethical rather than therapeutic in their intent." As John Marks succinctly states, "In other words...the business of the PAS, like that of the CIA, is control." Those who are particularly enamored of themselves, due to how superiorly they performed on their College Entrance Exams, will be happy to know that, if they find themselves unemployed, they may well have a position waiting for them in Uruguay, where John Gittinger took a personal hand in using the PAS to help the CIA select members of an anti-terrorist police unit known for their incredibly brutal methods, including torture. A former CIA psychologist states, "If you put a lot of money out there, there are many people who are lacking the ethics even of the CIA." He adds that the U.S. has become an extremely control- oriented society from the classroom to politics to television advertising. John Marks notes, "Spying and the PAS techniques are unique only in that they are more systematic and secret." Another CIAMindControlJustifyingAngel, a Technical Services Section (capable of writing *real* 'poison pen letters') scientist speaks of the CIA 'behavioral research' being, as Marks describes it, "a logical extension of the efforts of American psychologists, psychiatrists,and sociologists to change behavior," with their motivation being to "manipulate their subjects in trying to make mentally disturbed people well, in turning criminals into law- abiding citizens, and in pushing poor people to get off welfare." The CIAMindControlJustifyingAngel cites these as examples of "behavior control modification for socially acceptable reasons which...change from time to time" in regard to the public's attitude. What the scientist fails to mention, is that virtually all of the research and experimentation in the above areas has resulted from the work being funded and directed by secret government agencies who *direct* the work into these areas. (e.g. - Psychedelic therapy being wholly instigated by the CIA and Military Intelligence, until they pulled the plug overnight, after their own needs had been met, at which time all of the doctors, patients and research subjects could GoFuckThemselves!) Not only are minimum-wage employees at the local Circle-K convenience store chosen by CIA proxy, but also an amazing number of current research subjects in experiments which, on the surface, seem to be perfectly legitimate. A great deal of this mind-control experimentation has been done under the guise of research on alcoholism and mental illness. For instance, one of the first external applications of John Gittinger's CIA/PAS work was the Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test for Schizophrenia. Hoffer and Osmond had received a lot of CIA funding to do work with alcoholics, who were good subjects for mind-control work, as their was no real 'treatment' involved, which would only interfere with the true purposes of the experiments and research. Once the PAS made it possible for the CIA to efficiently and effectively test subjects for their suitability for MKULTRA mind- control work, the Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test was miraculously born, wherein a wide range of people who would have ordinarily received varying diagnoses, were suddenly classified under the umbrella of Schizophrenia, which, lo and behold, CIA/Rockerfeller Foundation grantee physicians had discovered could be 'treated' with OrthoMolecular (Vitamin) Therapy, which, conveniently, would also not interfere with the methods and goals of the current mind- control experiments, since the MKULTRA was no longer interested in finding out the potential of mind-control techniques dependent on the subjects being whacked-out on heavy drugs. In the end, we are left with a disturbing picture of American Military and Government Secret Intelligence Agencies being the driving force behind the instigation of almost all modern research into a wide variety of Scientific Arenas which are coordinated under the universal umbrella of the Controllers, the goal being to have access to the information and tools necessary to herd us all into categories from which we can then be spit out into the system into a predesignated position in society, or just plain spit out... ou remember the BadNazis, don't you? ou know, the ones who were sentenced to be hung at the Nuremberg trials, for engaging in research that U.S. Military Intelligence immediately grabbed, in order to 'study'? Well, it turns out that many of the BadNazis were magically turned into GoodNazis, by the waving of a DeNazification Wand. And who was 'waving' this DeNazification Wand? The UsualSuspects, of course... Dr. Ewen Cameron, the man who butchered the minds of women who were suffering from nothing more than menopause or post-partum depression, was a DeNazification WandWaver. A variety of Commintern's I.S.P. were involved in deciding who got WavedAt with the DeNazification Wands, and who got Whacked by them, including I.S.P.'s Marcuse, Neumann and Kirchheimer, who wrote the Denazification Guide. Most amazingly of all, many of those chosen as being suitable candidates for DeNazification, were hand-picked for eligibility for entry into the U.S. under new identities, as part of Project PaperClip, by one of the main BumBuddies of the AngelOfDeath, Josef Mengeles. [Note from T. Arthur: Although the actual whereabouts of the AngelOfDeath have remained a matter of speculation and debate over the years, I have reason to believe, as a result of the information I received from attaching a 9V battery to the electrodes implanted in the skull of yet another Tarantula who emerged from under my computer desk, scant minutes ago, that Dr. Mengeles is currently living next door to me, with his rent being paid by the RCMP and the CIA. Those who wish to verify this information for themselves will be able to locate the Tarantula in Tucson, outside of the mayor's home, in about an hour.] While the Controllers continue to yank the mental and emotional chains of the general public, through use of OfficiallyRecognized BadGuys, and the 4HorseMen, etc., they seem to have absolutely no qualms about importing the Monsters into America and setting them up with the best of what the country has to offer, in order to further government interest in activities which have resulted in death sentences to those on the 'losing' end of various wars, as well as giving high-level positions to those capable of helping the GoodGuys to tweak the MindControl technology used by the Bad Guys, to exercise BadSocialControl, so that the GoodGuys can use that same technology to exercise GoodSocialControl. [I've got to go now. I just finished filling out the application for my Fresh Values Card, from Smith's, which gives me a nickle off on a can of beans for informing them which of my neighbors have Jewish blood coursing through their veins. (ou need to turn in five Jews, and I only know three, so I fudged on a couple of the entries...) - T. Arthur] Jews - Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
participants (1)
Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC