Re: Dems Critique Crypto Policy

John Conyers, Jr. Rick Boucher. Zoe Lofgren. Maxine Waters. William Delahunt. Martin T. Meehan. We need to be honest about this situation. We don't expect most narcotics traffickers, terrorists, or criminals to respect export restrictions on encryption when they don't respect our underlying drugs or weapons laws. And we don't generally expect anyone who employs encryption in furtherance of a crime to readily give their keys to some third party so they may be made available to the government.
The government doesn't expect it, either. As a matter of fact, they are probably sitting back laughing their asses off over your eloquent statements of logic which any rational person could reproduce if they weren't programmed to feed unthinkingly off of government media sound bytes. All of your points are well-taken and they will make no more difference than similar ones have made in the past. You will speak your mind politely while the government goes about usurping the few remaining privacies and freedoms we have. In the meantime, the nation is keeping busy bemoaning the fact that not everyone is going to be so polite in their protest of the government assault on the liberty and freedom of the citizens. The nation is busy venting their rage on a government mandated monster, as always, instead of admitting that there is a much greater monster in our midst which is slaying more of our citizens in a variety of ways than McVeigh could ever dream of. TruthMonger
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