[Fwd: Petition for Redress] (fwd)
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From APFN@netbox.com Fri Sep 18 18:05:19 1998 Message-ID: <3602D946.291104DC@netbox.com> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 15:05:58 -0700 From: American Patriot Friends Network <APFN@netbox.com> Reply-To: APFN@netbox.com Organization: American Patriot Friends Network X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: "\"apfn@onelist.com\"" <apfn@onelist.com> Subject: [Fwd: Petition for Redress] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
The question is, "Are we a nation of law?" // Yes // No // You are either on one side or the other, there is no in-between! Without Justice, there is JUST_US! http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/apfn/ Subject: [Fwd: Petition for Redress] Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:47:01 -0700 From: American Patriot Friends Network <APFN@netbox.com> Organization: American Patriot Friends Network To: lorraine@pioche.com Re: http://www.independentamericans.org/redress.htm Petition for Redress Re: below info... Subj: Plan to Restore... (APFN Web Page) Can you please add this link to that APFN page... http://www.esotericworldnews.com/planto.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: Petition for Redress Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 16:49:20 EDT From: Sagitt1@aol.com Reply-To: theeagle-l@egroups.com To: slane@moment.net, texnat57@gateway.net, dream@bga.com, TFIJDSHOW@aol.com, TBS <spicytoo@vvm.com>, TBS <rittprod@hotmail.com>, TBS <Rick.Habecker@rehab.state.tx.us>, TBS <ramshorn@hotmail.com>, TBS <mmoore6066@aol.com>, TBS <jcontra@onr.com>, truelaw@swbell.net, LORDFOUL28@aol.com, syncro2@flash.net, singer@ccms.net, mltaylor@freewwweb.com, Misty1941@aol.com, msf@texas.net, gene.ritter@mci2000.com, S62140Y@aol.com, PLanders@interserv.com, Jbyrd2@acad.stedwards.edu, patricia.warfel@austin.ppdi.com CC: ANOTHER PATRIOT <SONS_OF_LIBERTY@webtv.net>, "Archibald Roberts Col." <comminc@webaccess.net>, BioFractal@aol.com, CENTRAL ALABAMA MILITIA <JHCAPT@aol.com>, Frances L Hartge <hartge1@juno.com>, Militia264@aol.com, JOHN DI NIARDO <jad@locust.etext.org>, Medesec@aol.com, "Mike & LaurieO'Donnell" <widawake@hotmail.com>, MilitiaNet@aol.com, "mrbill888@ycsi.net" <mrbill888@ycsi.net>, Patricia Neill <pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu>, SCOTTSDALE <njkoti@nji.com>, "snoball@idt.net" <snoball@idt.net>, SOUTHSANDY@aol.com, "spiff@netusa1.net" <spiff@netusa1.net>, TheVizor@aol.com, Yechiel Mann <yam@netvision.net.il>, HRomero@X25.net, tate <mtate@bledsoe.net>, Nicholas <faller@snowcrest.net>, Hoosier Reb <civil_rights48@hotmail.com>, Rosie <Rosie@merlinweb.com>, Norseman <kriegspfad@aol.com>, Wolfeyes <wolfeyes@cdsnet.net>, Partridge <rlpartridge@juno.com>, Matlock111@aol.com If anyone out there is from Ohio...please respond to Lainnie, please. In a message dated 9/18/98 3:42:37 PM Central Daylight Time, lainnie@zoomnet.net writes: << I have a question and maybe someone out there can help me. I live in Southern Ohio.......and I have been thinking about trying to get an e-mail list going with others from Southern OHIO......to receive and exchange information on issues that involve the mistreatment of the people of S. Oh. by the systems.....political,human services,courts ,jails Constitutional issues etc. I am new at this and really have very little idea of how to go about establishing this e-mail connection. Is there anyone out there that can give suggestions or advice ? I'd appreciate so much your assistence. lainnie
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: Petition for Redress Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 16:42:25 -0400 (EDT) From: lainnie@zoomnet.net To: Sagitt1@aol.com At 04:19 PM 9/18/98 EDT, you wrote:
You must all go to this web site and read this heart wrenching powerful Redress. If this doesn't get you off your couch, you are already dead.
http://www.independentamericans.org/redress.htm Petition for Redress http://www.independentamericans.org/redress.htm
Excellent..........just excellent!
I have a question and maybe someone out there can help me. I live in Southern Ohio.......and I have been thinking about trying to get an e-mail list going with others from Southern OHIO......to recieve and exchange information on issues that involve the mistreatment of the people of S. Oh. by the systems.....political,human services,courts, jails Constitutional issues etc. I am new at this and really have very little idea of how to go about establishing this e-mail connection. Is there anyone out there that can give suggestions or advice ? I'd appreciate so much your assistence. lainnie Media & Patriot Web Pages: (Bookmark) http://home.rica.net/CaptainNemo/pers/patsites.htm APFN http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/apfn/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING CONGRESS: +++ CONGRESS +++ U.S. CONGRESS - CALL 1-800-504-0031 OR 202-224-3121 1-800-343-3222
The new number is: 1-800-361-5222 (90001). When you call the number, follow the prompts. When asked for your 5 letter zip code, enter the number 90001. You will be connected to the main capitol switchboard. Just ask for the congressman or the senator you wish to speak to. If you enter your home zip code, you will be connected directly to your Congress "CRITTER". (Congressman or Senator)Posted:08/11/98
Contact Congress via the net - Elected Net: http://www.hoboes.com/html/Politics/electednet/ Netline To Congress - Question of the Day http://www.netline-to-congress.com/ The Best Congress Money Can Buy http://mojones.com/COINOP_CONGRESS/data_viewer/data_viewer.html SENATE: http://www.senate.gov SENATE EMAIL ADDRESS: http://www.senate.gov/senator/membmail.html http://www.senate.gov/senator/state.html Senate Judiciary Committee members with contact information: http://www.senate.gov/committee/judiciary.html Senate - send email: http://www.freecongress.org/jsmp/ContactSenators.htm *** Letter to Senators: http://members.foothills.net/ricefile/index.html HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - http://www.house.gov House Of Representatives (EMAIL) http://www.house.gov/writerep/ House Judiciary Committee members with contact information: http://www.house.gov/judiciary/mem105.htm HOUSE AS THE SPEAKER http://speakernews.house.gov/asknewt/ QUICK SEARCH TEXT OF BILLS 105th CONGRESS: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.html?66,9 HOUSE - DOWNLOADING BILL TEXT http://thomas.loc.gov/home/billdwnloadhelp.html CONTRACTING CONGRESS http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ ----------------------------------------------------------------The moderator of the apfn@egroups.com group would like to invite you to join the group. Reply-To: apfn-req-s6a1@egroups.com If you join, you can read group messages in your e-mail in-box or on the Web. http://www.eGroups.com/list/apfn/ To accept this invitation, please use the "Send Reply" to apfn-req-s6a1@egroups.com send back a blank message. Or you can accept by going to this Web location: http://www.egroups.com/subscribe?list=apfn&vcode=6a1 If you have questions, please feel free to contact the moderator of this group at apfn@netbox.com or visit http://www.eGroups.com/info/help.html "There can't be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." ~ Henry Kissinger ~ *=======================================================================* "It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result." -Gandhi *=======================================================================* 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775
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Jim Choate