Re: Column, July 8

Vin Suprynowicz wrote:
FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED JULY 8, 1997 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz When did we start valuing 'stability' over 'freedom'?
Did anyone else watch in disbelief the televised "celebration" of the humiliating surrender of the free city of Hong Kong to a bloodthirsty, totalitarian slave state on June the 30th?
In fact, in all the coverage I watched, the word "freedom" was never used once ... ranking right up there with another unheard word, "Communist."
I swear to you, despite multiple respectful references to the "People's Liberation Army" (which appeared to have suited up in powder blue uniforms, like extras in a James Bond film, for the occasion) there was not one use of the word "Red" or "Communist." I was actually starting to picture an NBC news anchor in Hungary in 1956 smilingly reporting, "A great sigh of relief is being heard here as the People's Liberation tanks return, guaranteeing at least another decade of 'stability'." ... A news clip gave us the city's new Red party boss, the day before, being asked whether the new regime would tolerate demonstrations and freedom of speech.
"We may tolerate some freedom of speech," he said in his kindly, avuncular way, "depending on what they try to say."
Now there's a definition of freedom to warm the hearts of Roberta Achtenburg, Janet Reno, and Louis Freeh.
*** Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may contact him via e-mail at The web site for the Suprynowicz column is at
"We may tolerate some breathing," Janet Reno said in her kindly, avuncular way, "depending on who tries to breathe." "We may tolerate some Assassination Politics," Louis Freeh said in his kindly, avuncular way, "depending on who they are attempting to assassinate." "We may tolerate some flaming," Sandy Sandfort said in his kindly, avuncular way, "depending on who they are flaming." "We may tolerate some truth," TruthMonger said in his kindly, avuncular way, "depending on what they are trying to monger." D r . R o b e r t s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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