re: Drivers Licenses
Jim Choate wrote:
From: "William H. Geiger III" <>
A couple of times through the washer and dryer and that lamination seperates. Any cop that has worked traffic has seen plenty of DL's in this shape (heh should have seen my old DL when I truned it in to get it renewed <g>).
I rather doubt that. I have had a Texas drivers license since I was 16, I'm now 38. I have washed them innumerable times and I have never had the lamination break or otherwise degrade. The lamination is quite heavy. I did have one crack at the seam one time because of a bad lamination and was specificaly instructed by the officer who wrote me a speeding ticket to get it replaced. I did so immediately.
"Yes SIR!"
The law here is that if the license is damaged, you move, or otherwise make the information invalid you have 30 days to correct it.
"Yes SIR!"
I suspect quite strongly that had I shown up at the court house to pay that ticket with the same damaged license (required to be shown at the time of payment) they would not have accepted the payment and might have asked to to discuss the situation with one of the officers they so thoughtfuly have placed about the room.
"Yes SIR!"
Texas takes counterfeiting of licenses quite seriously.
"Yes SIR!"
My suggestion would be don't try such juvenile tricks here,
"No, SIR!"
the DPS have seen it before
"Yes SIR!"
and won't be pleasant people to deal with unless you're a juvenile.
"No SIR!" This is one of the things I love so about Texas and Texans. Despite inexplicable rumors and propaganda about independence and rugged frontier indivuality, Texans are as fucking obedient to authority as the most lock-stepped fucking Germans. The People's Republic of Texas is on the leading edge of Big Brother statism. Sales tax fully as high as New York's, fingerprints at driver license renewal time, roadblocks to fish for people who have been indulging in adult beverages or who have outstanding warrants, and some of the most dumb-fuck, clueless, fuckwit people behind badges in the known universe. Texans will give anyone their SS number at any time for any reason. Many print it on their checks. Texas is without doubt the Rube State. The only reason it isn't on the bleeding foreskin of Big Brother technology is that there aren't enough clues in the state to rub together to make a spark. When you run into anyone halfway sharp or better in Texas, it's a cinch they are a refugee from the unforgiving North.
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