Re: DirFBI: Danger of Encryption
On Sunday, July 12, 1998, in The New York Times, Louis J. Freeh had the unmitigated gall of a lying Nazi Fuck to write:
To the Editor:
Re "Privacy in the Digital Age" (editorial, July 6): No law enforcement agency is "trying hard to prevent the growing use of encryption."
In the face of such overwhelming evidence as virtually litters the landscape and graces more than one court docket, how can Louis Fuck-the-Free open with such a bald-faced lie, unsupported by any data or argument whatsoever? His own agency, not to mention several "non-law-enforcement" agencies (is this the lawyer's catch in his assertion?) have been lobbying _vigorously_ and without letup for several years now to "prevent the growing use of encryption." The whole export control regime for encryption has as its sole purpose to "prevent the growing use of encryption." I'm all for a constitutional amendment that would put this kind of bald-faced lying by high public officials on the same footing as treason, with the same penalties.
But encryption represents a serious public safety concern.
It sure does! The lack of widely available, fully functional strong crypto is a national and individual weakness that allows control freak fucks like Louis to make a reach for the ultimate levers of control and cement us into the ultimate surveillance state, from which there will be no return.
We are open to any solution that recognizes that it is the ability to collect electronic evidence that has allowed us to prevent airliners from being bombed and to put major drug dealers behind bars.
<SNORT!> Right! Like you prevented TWA 800, Lockerbee, and the ValuJet eaten in midair by illegally transported live oxygen canisters? Just HOW MANY AIRLINERS HAVE YOU SAVED, you lying Nazi fuck? Don't talk to us about the drug dealers... the ones who wouldn't be able to earn a penny if it weren't for the War on Drugs in the first place. We already know that the pharmaceutical market value of a dose of heroin is something like 25 cents, and that the only reason those addicts are breaking into our homes and killing us on the streets is because the GOVERNMENT has made it illegal for them to obtain their sleepytime meds at reasonable prices that even a minimum-wage burger flipper could afford if he wanted to waste himself that way.
Key escrow is one possible solution.
No it isn't. It's not a solution to anything at all. It's the destruction of privacy through more heavy-handed tactics and intrusion into private affairs. It's the police state's wet dream, second only to full, real time monitoring of everything and everything. One step at a time, though, eh, lying Nazi fuck?
There are others, and certainly a statutory scheme can be devised that will all but eliminate any risk of abuse by law enforcement.
You must be taking some of those drugs your agents seize! If there is one constant, one unchangeable feature of government landscape, it is that NO POWER can be safeguarded against abuse, and that EVERY POWER will be abused, just some more than others. This claim is an insult to the intelligence of even the most retarded, obedient American. Your mother clearly didn't wash your mouth with a strong enough brand of laundry soap to make an impression on your little proto-Nazi mind. We should really suspend the ENTIRE debate right now, pending the prosecution and imprisonment of the thousands of FBI personnel involved in past, DOCUMENTED violations of rights. Before we even take you seriously I want to see the asses of the SAs who have done "black bag jobs", who have killed and maimed men, women and children, who have instigated unlawful acts by incompetents through agents provocateurs, AND their SACs, AND their authorizing DDs, etc., ALL LANGUISHING IN LEVEL 6 FACILITIES doing the the HARD TIME of multiple life terms they so richly deserve for having arrogantly and systematically violated their oaths of office and the laws of the land. Then and ONLY THEN can we "talk," you strutting, lying little Nazi fuck!
But if we do not allow for court-ordered access, for the first time in the history of this country a court order for seizure of evidence will be an absolute nullity.
Utter Nazi rubbish! The truth is that if you _do_ get what you want, for the first time in the history of this country it will be unlawful or even impossible for Americans to secure their communications as they could in 1789 when the Constitution was ratified. It is _not_ the ability to protect communications and writings that is new -- it is the invasive technology and the windfall to you of communications and records being handled by third parties that is new. Your claim of being locked out by new technology not contemplated by the Constitution is false. What was not contemplated and now needs to be remedied is that conversations easily secured against eavesdroppers in 1789 are now easily overheard, and communications easily secured in 1789 are now easily violated. THAT'S what needs to be fixed, NOT your inability to continue and expand your totalitarian invasion of the natural rights of Americans and others.
We want to work with industry on a real solution,
More bullshit! You want what you want when you want it and you have been vigorously campaigning for new and expanded powers to every ear on Capitol Hill that would listen, even conducting closed briefings to make your one-sided case out of the light of public scrutiny. Admit it -- you're a thorough-going weasel, and proud of it!
recognizing that those who acquire encryption over the Internet or from abroad naively make assumptions about the security it affords.
Oh, PLEASE! You have the security of naive Internet users at heart? Is that what we're supposed to believe? Do you really think we just fell off the turnip truck? The very encryption you fear most, strong public key encryption that you can't break and won't be able to break within the predicted lifetime of the universe, is presently available over the Internet, AND THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE, you lying Nazi fuck!
We are not fighting encryption,
HAVE YOU NO SHAME AT ALL, uttering bald-faced lies like that?
but we know what will happen if technology cannot be made to work for law enforcement as it works for criminals and terrorists.
We know, too: freedom will continue to have a chance. You need to take a deep breath and consider that many people now understand the sham in which you are involved. More and more people are wondering why you don't just nail the truly bad guys the way they have been nailed for millenia -- by good, conventional police work. Bad guys have been apprehended since time immemorial without resort to data-mining the databases and eavesdropping on all forms of communication. Now, just because technology allows you means of invasion never contemplated by the Constitution, suddenly you can't do your job without them? Utter nonsense! Lying Nazi fuck nonsense! Louis J. FREEH (Louis J. FUCK-THE-FREE) Dir., Federal Bureau of Investigation (Generalisimo, Federal Bureau of Absolute Control) Washington, July 10,1998 (Disneyland-on-the-Potomac) TruthIsAsPlainAsTheNoseOnYourLyingNaziFuckFaceMonger II
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