Electric Utility De-Regulation
Hi ! January 1st was the official launch of the most powerful business opportunity in the history of networking. Here's your chance to get in on the ground floor and sieze an opportunity to take advantage of electric utility deregulation and realize some of those dreams you've been dreaming. When the telephone industry deregulated, millionares were made. At $215 Billion as an industry, Electric Utilities is 10 TIMES the opportunity that long distance telephone was. Don't delay! Get started now! We will provide full training and support. You are up and running within 48 hours - and low, low start-up costs! This IS the big one. You will have access to our advanced technology to help build your business because it is all in house as well as a generic website for you and all of those in your group! E-mail inquiries only - please leave your phone number and time to call (or call me) E-mail to: Electrifyme@juno.com OPPORTUNITIES ARE NEVER LOST ..... ........JUST FOUND BY SOMEONE ELSE !! Thanks for your time, John (413) 736-2442 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This Message was Composed using Extractor Pro Bulk E- Mail Software. If you wish to be removed from this advertiser's future mailings, please reply with the subject "Remove" and this software will automatically block you from their future mailings. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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