Global Ethics Cosmosofy
To: Cypherpunks, editor. We are impressed by your social commitment on the Internet and think you may find that Global Ethics Cosmosofy would even better support your activities and spiritual concerns since universal values have precedence over limited group moral codes in cases of conflict and its peaceful resolution in a cooperating information oriented and interdependent world community. The better arguments can be yours free, to be viewed on the Cosmosofy Institute Foundation website: <http: //> But there is more to it: (1) Global Ethics and the overall doctrine tentatively termed COSMOSOFY (similar to 'globalism') will not only assist you in ethics to identify the higher and highest values to which priority consideration must be given in each case, in particular where a psychological or social conflict has to be resolved rationally and peacefully. It also helps to avoid and cure psychic disorders most of which are attributable to dogmatic indoctrination methods during childhood but which tend to remain unconscious, since people usually deny they feel indoctrinated. A severe conflict potential for humanity in the present historical moment is its more or less unconscious subjugation to outdated arbitrary moral precepts and codes imposed and indoctrinated during adolescence (where spiritual maturity is low), thus obstructing later undogmatic moral and ethical updating flexibility and development. However, any change of this unwholesome and dangerous situation is considered a political TABOO for social and cultic stability reasons and social control in the absence of GLOBAL ETHICS and a UNIVERSAL UNDOGMATIC RELIGION, although now possible at this historical junction. Cosmosofy Universal Ethics provides interdisciplinary thinking and action patterns, not of the usual type of non-merging interdisciplinary exchange programs but of the new type to be merged in ones own mind which is now accessible for everybody due to interactive feedback information structures. (2) COSMOSOFY UNIVERSAL ETHICS Subject: Interdisciplinary, linking religion, law, sociology, philosophy, politics, sciences. The so far missing universal ethics is provided by the interdisciplinarian author Bert Tellan, founder of COSMOSOFY and undogmatic religion (Cyber-Religion) as a doctrine designed to constitute the so far missing foundation for the legal and religious system's priority values in a peacefully cooperating and closely communicating global community. So far mankind was dependent only on particularistic morals that were mutually exclusive and could therefore not be validated universally: of importance for peace, conflict resolution competence and qualification, and ecological issues. (3) You will find that Global Ethics Cosmosofy & Undogmatic Religion has been constructed with the aim to solve dogmatic 'religions' (regarded as cults acc. to Kant if used as an end in itself instead of a means)seen as a social PROBLEM (to be solved instead of being merely studied) for a modern global society and world culture in order to avoid continuing antagonism instead of promoting real peace in the sense of absolute pacifism. So far nations, cultures or religious organizations favored peace conditionally under their own moral terms (excepting the need of holy for Islamic or just wars for Christians). This is no longer possible in a world saturated with means of push-button mass destruction. In this historical context dogmatic religious cult is no longer seen as an unending study subject for scientifically detached sociologists or psychologists of religion (just wondering as William James did at the great variety of religions) while making a living from it and get research funds - while, on the other end, no church or other educational institution ever bothered to even make an attempt of funding the 'further development or advancement of religion and of religiousness'. All the while the Advancement of Science is considered a respectable institution: another grave cultural inconsistency we have been indoctrinated not to notice. To the contrary, all through history any 'further development of religious thought' was condemned, persecuted as heretic or apostasy, philosophers or reformers (including Jesus) having been murdered to this day. This is due to a flawed idea of unchanging 'religion' (=false religion) which is to be regarded as a problem and not as an endless subject of study or even of tolerance while cannibalism and illiteracy are also no longer being tolerated, in the very name of an improved, in-depth understanding of dynamic religion. The solution, thus, does not advocate atheism, non-belief or arbitrary values as is wrongly suggested for post-modernism, since, quite to the contrary, the arbitrariness of cultural relativistic values is hereby overcome having the whole of humanity, individual justice and human rights for all in mind, and not for some privileged classes or groups only. And thus to establish true peace for mankind and be prepared for a new era of common cosmic adventure or communication instead of continuous strife with the risk of self-extinction. View the Cosmosofy Institute Foundation Website (featuring around 100 new articles on unresolved modern and prognosticized issues and the consistent application of global ethics to their solution in each case): <http: //> Cosmosofy Institute Foundation. Kurt C. Bantelmann, editor. More details on request. Fax:(49)211.489533. E-mail:
participants (1)
Kurt Bantelmann