Excerpt from USA v. Jim Bell court docket: Docket as of August 5, 1998 3:10 am Pages 7-8 Proceedings include all events. TERMED 3:97cr5270-ALLUSA v. Bell APPEAL 6/22/98 -- DEFENDANT James Dalton Bell arrested (car) [Entry date 06/24/98] 6/23/98 48 MINUTES of Initial on Prob Revocation:DEW, Dep Clerk:Peter Voelker, AUSA:Robb London, Def Counsel:Peter Voelker, Tape #A473, USPO:Steven McNichols D' arrested 6/22/98; D' adv of rights; crt appts cnsl; D' adv of allegations in violation petition; Gov't moves for detention this hrg, proceeds, Gov't proffer, D' proffer; D' ORDERED DETAINED; probation revocation hrg set for 11:00 a.m. on 7/10/98 before Judge Burgess D' remanded. (car) [Entry date 06/25/98] 6/23/98 49 ORDER by Magistrate Judge David E. Wilson appointing as the Federal Public Defender for defendant James Dalton Bell (cc: counsel) (car) [Entry date 06/25/98] BWM 6/30/98 50 MINUTE ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess that the Probation Revocation hrg is rescheduled to 1:30 p.m. on 7/10/98 for James Dalton Bell (cc: counsel, Judge) (car) [Entry date 06/30/98] 7/8/98 -- PROPOSED Supplemental Violations (car) [Entry date 07/08/98] 7/10/98 51 PROBATION PETITION/ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess as to James Dalton Bell re: Supplemental Violations (cc: counsel, Judge, USPO) (car) [Entry date 07/10/98] 7/15/98 52 MINUTE ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess ; probation revocation hrg continued to 9:00 7/31/98 for James Dalton Bell (cc: counsel, Judge) (km) [Entry date 07/15/98] 7/16/98 53 AMENDED MINUTE ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess ; probation revocation hrg scheduled for 9:00 7/31/98 for James Dalton Bell (cc: counsel, Judge) (km) [Entry date 07/16/98] 7/22/98 54 SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL on behalf of USA Robert Louis Jacob London terminating attorney Annmarie Levins for USA (car) [Entry date 07/22/98] 7/31/98 55 MINUTES of Supervised Release Violations:FDB, Dep Clerk:B Kay McDermott, AUSA:Rob London, Def Counsel:Peter Avenia, CR:J Ryen probation revocation hrg held Cnsl pres. Mr. Bell pres in custody. Court adv D' of charges. D' enters NOT GUILTY to violations 1,4,5,6, & 7 (violations 2 & 3 MOOT as penalties are paid). D' cnsl states for the record that D' feels the Gov't is engaging in spying on him as a private citizen and and requests that the Court conduct an investigation into this activity; D' feels the conditions of supervised release are unconstitutional. Mr. London advises the court that no survelillance has been conducted on Mr. Bell. Court rules this hrg will proceed on the violations charges only, D' concerns should be addressed in other action. Court inquires of cnsl if psychological evaluation is required, D' cnsl adv the cour that D' does not feel this hrg should proc because of his prior stated concerns of the Gov't spying and conspiracy against him. D' request add'l time to prep. RECESS. D' cnsl adv the Court that D' not prep to proc today, D' requests month continuance, D' cnsl disagrees w/client's strategy. D' cnsl adv the Court mental health eval may be approp. Gov't objs. Court adv parties that mental health eval will be ordered. D' adv the Court he wants investigation of Gov't actions. Court adv D' mental health eval ordered. Court orders Gov't to prep approp order, iss of Mr. Avenia cont as cnsl will be addr. D' remanded pending eval. (car) [Entry date 08/03/98] [Edit date 08/03/98] 8/3/98 -- LODGED ORDER directing commitment of D' to submit to a competency exam (car) [Entry date 08/04/98] End Docket as of August 5, 1998 3:10 am
On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, John Young reported
Excerpt from USA v. Jim Bell court docket:
lots of deletions.
Docket as of August 5, 1998 3:10 am Pages 7-8
Bell. Court rules this hrg will proceed on the violations charges only, D' concerns should be addressed in other action. Court inquires of cnsl if psychological evaluation is required, D' cnsl adv the cour that D' does not feel this hrg should proc because of his prior stated concerns of the Gov't spying and conspiracy against him. D' request add'l time to prep.
IM!SHO, Jim is committing the ultimate faux pas in federal court --the issue of 'conspiracy' as it implies the judge is part of the conspiracy. of course, I dont consider the issues as conspiracy anyway --they are nothing more than a government abusing its powers and the fact the citizens have abrogated their own rights by failing to make government accountable
RECESS. D' cnsl adv the Court that D' not prep to proc today, D' requests month continuance, D' cnsl disagrees w/client's strategy. D' cnsl adv the Court mental health eval may be approp.
the wonders of a public defender... Kaczinski's lawyer pulled the same abuse of privilege (except again IM!SHO, TZ outsmarted them all as even in his apparent paranoia driven state, his powers of logic were stil present --and there is reason to doubt his implied state of insanity in so much as his notebooks showed bitterness and a bloodthirsty desire for violent retribution. OTH, Bell definetly lacks sophistication, or a reasonable sense of logic; if there is a mental illness issue, it is not the place of Bell's attorney to overrule his client's wishes --Bell is entitled to be the fool.... but even worse, sliding into the federal prison systems psychiatric t evaluation program is a one way ticket --all bets are off, and all sentence termination dates are off-- release is at the whim of the government. if, for instance, Jim is sent to Springfield (MO) or Rochester (MN), the cell blocks are essential solitary confinement rows --if you werent nuts when you arrived, you are or will be... Jim's attorney may have been well meaning by asking for help of Jim, but he sure as hell did not do him any favours.
Gov't objs. Court adv parties that mental health eval will be ordered.
D' adv the Court he wants investigation of Gov't actions.
still whipping a dead horse. Jim's AP essays were not an evidence of insanity- a little asinine, but certainly not insane rantings. many members of the list can say: "there but for the grace of (insert your favourite whatever), go I."
Court adv D' mental health eval ordered.
exactly to form...
Court orders Gov't to prep approp order, iss of Mr. Avenia cont as cnsl will be addr. D' remanded pending eval. (car)
this is one of the travesties of the Public Defender system; Jim will be evaLuated only by the US Prison system (which has a vested interest in maintain the numbers (despite the current 24% overcrowding figure I saw quoted the other day). there will be no report actually representing Jim's or his families interests. there will be no period when an outside investigator can evaluate Jim when he can be absolutely sure the government has not loaded him with Thorazine an undiseased mind looking out through the haze of Thorazine must be terrorizing; the victim clawing at the walls of the cranium --or so it was described to me by my Tourettes' Syndrome victim son who was given same in an acute facility --I had been in hospital with bronchial infections and did not see him until two weeks later at the resident school I arranged-- absolutely terrifying; the Haldol was discontinued immediately; absolutely unbelievable what it did prisons and other institutions love Thorazine class drugs for troublemakers --instant passivity, and in Jim's case, an obvious means of declaring him criminally insane which is a life sentence in the federal system, one way or another. I wish Jim luck, he needs it; I dont agree with his "politics", but I also do agree with their punishment of his inadequacies and childish pranks.
[Entry date 08/03/98] [Edit date 08/03/98]
8/3/98 -- LODGED ORDER directing commitment of D' to submit to a competency exam (car) [Entry date 08/04/98]
attila out... _________________________________________________________________ attila__ To be a ruler of men, you need at least 12 inches....
participants (2)
John Young