Title: Prologue 16/0 SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS Prologue 16/0 SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!! First of all, let me stress the importance of cracking in our everyday life. Cracking it's not just about software, it's about information, about all patterns of life. To crack is to refuse to be controlled and used by others, to crack is to be free. But you must also be yourself free from petty conventions in order to crack properly. You must learn to discern cracking possibilities all around yourself, and believe me, the development of this ghastly society brings every day new codes, protections and concealing mechanisms. All around us grows a world of codes and secret and not so secret patterns. Codes that are at times so familiar and common that we do not even notice them any more... and yet they are there to fool us, and yet they offer marvelous cracking possibilities. From: Dmitry Goldgaber To: Subject: Cryptography and DNA "Chaffing and winnowing in molecular biology" Ronald L. Rivest's method for hiding information by breaking it in to packets mixed with other meaningless packets is similar to an approach which is used in organic systems, at the DNA level. In our bodies, packets of meaningful information from the DNA used for encoding protein sequences, called exons, are mixed with meaningless stretches of DNA, called introns. Certain rules exist for putting protein coding sequences together which are based on information around the intron/exon border. The analogy between cryptographic techniques and biological processes at the genetic level are striking. I believe that principles of protein coding may be useful to the cryptographic community. In turn, the principles and methods used by the cryptographic community maybe useful to those who are analyzing DNA sequences which are available and are becoming available from the Human Genome Project and other non-human Genome projects. Dmitry Goldgaber ...only one remark, may be: the DOS/UNIX world seems very neglected in the essays... everybody is cracking exclusively the newest applications for windoze, and that could be a mistake: I said that we must crack windoze in order to throw our seeds with the wind, true, but let's not forget that, as you know very well, a good knowledge of the past is the only tool you can relay on in order to foresee the future... ...You see fravia+, for the first time in the history of humanity knowledge can be spread for free and reach anybody who cares :=) I don't know if this contingency will last, coz many powerful forces are struggling against this. Should knowledge, their efforts notwithstanding, continue to flow in this way, it will change the face of the world as we know it. Now, Bubba explained, the Evil Forces were regrouping to once again take control of the world, and they had been working through our new, hi-tech gods, the Gods of Communication--television and computers. "There were those who tried to warn us," he said. "Marshal McLuhan was our hi-tech 'John the Baptist,' "The Medium Is The Message" became our new Bible, but he, too, was just a "voice crying in the wilderness." "Others, like the "Android Sisters," we relegated to the status of clowns and entertainers as the 'Media' lulled us to sleep and became our 'Waking Dream,' our new reality." "Where once we sacrificed sheep, offering up the blood of the innocent to appease our gods," Bubba railed, with ever mounting conviction, "now we have become the sheep to be led to the slaughter by our 'Gods of Communication.' "And the shadow of Gomez falls ever more frequently across our door, like a pestilence upon the land and its people." Bubba Rom Dos, derelict and philosopher, surveyed the crowd, which had now gone totally silent, and proceeded to explain some of the things he claimed to have learned in the Far East from a group which was, according to him, actively working to counter the new 'Angels of Darkness' which had already begun launching their assault upon mankind, using our own new hi-tech environment. "Demons," he explained, "have always worked their will through our own physical reality in order to accomplish their ends. Television has lulled our minds into a deep slumber, and now they are free to attack through the mechanisms of the physical instrument which is becoming a part of, and controlling force over, the whole of our lives---the computer." "Our lives are tracked and controlled by numbers---our address, our phone number, our social security number, our driver's license and passport numbers. And now all these numbers are being controlled by computers---computers that can communicate all around the world, at the touch of a button. Computers that can, in an instant, separate us into categories according to our names, our race, our political beliefs, or by the names of our children. Computers that know all, and see all." Bubba explained how the Evil One is making his bid, once again, to write his own happy ending in the Final Chapter of the war between the 'forces of good and evil.' He told of how Gomez and the Dark Allies (Daemons, Zombies, and Orphan Zombies) have been unleashed to wreak their havoc in the Final Battle, with the Hounds of Hell nipping at our heels and the dreaded Cron orchestrating this whole savage 'Dance of Armageddon.' By now the crowd had grown deathly silent and Bubba, sensing that they were, individually and collectively, on the edge of despair, began talking about what could be done to alleviate, and perhaps even remedy, the present desperate situation. He explained that the reason that many of the best computer hackers around were teenagers was that they are in the hot, throbbing throes of puberty, and were thus very conscious of the yin-yang aspects of computers, which basically consist of just hardware and software. The hardware, he said, is the yang, or male aspect, of computers, while the software is the yin, or female, component. "Hardware is very ego-centered, it wants everything it's own way. In order to operate correctly, it wants everything to be very structured, in the place it wants it to be in, and meeting its own narrow criterion. When you turn the hardware on it gives itself a little diagnostic 'hitch in the crotch' to check its equipment, and says, 'let's get at it'---it's ready for some action." "Software is more flexible and malleable. It is more willing to go with the flow and change to meet the requirements for the job at hand, rather than forcing things to be done in a certain way. Good software will do anything you want it to do---it just wants to be coaxed with the right words and syntax, so that you don't think of it as being too 'easy.' Bubba explained that programmers are what Gurdjieff referred to as the 'third,' or 'unifying,' force in the universe, capable of bringing the yin and yang aspects of the cosmos into union with one another to produce a third, unique force. "Programmers are the unifying force that supply the energy enabling two separate and unique components, hardware and software, to have a relationship that is capable of productivity and growth. A marriage of matter that could spawn and produce a multitude of children to go forth and do many new things in the world, for better or worse, for good or for evil." "You are society's last hope for thwarting the Forces of Evil gearing up for the final battle, readying themselves to wreak grievous havoc upon the world, such that it has never known. It is up to you to 'raise the torch,' and let the 'light of knowledge' spread throughout the civilized world, in the thread of 'clues' scattered throughout the UNIX operating system, and throughout your programming and your instructions." "You must band together, man and woman, young and old, into a 'Magic Circle' for your own protection from the Forces of Darkness! You must develop your own secret codes and rituals to deal with the Evil Forces which will beset you daily once you set foot on the Path of Righteousness." At this point Bubba, who had been sucking rather liberally on a bottle of Wild Turkey during this rousing and inspiring 'spiritual soliloquy,' started to lose his train of thought and began to babble randomly about young boys' hardware and young girls' software, making statements that downright smacked of pedophilia, and it turned into quite a nasty scene before the students finally threw him out of the meeting. But a spark had been ignited before the old geezer finally lost control of his mind, as well as some of his bodily functions, and the evening marked the initial development of the 'Post-Ancient Rites' of the Computer Age---and the beginning of an underground Secret Society later to become known by those within the 'Magic Circle' as the "Circle of Eunuchs." We are already now thoroughly involved in this, and your "students' essays" page is a very good example of a potential new dawn. We will see in due time... let us sip our cocktails and wait... as I told you, the repercussions, on the web never immediate, yet the inertial effects of our work can be huge. Thank to your (and other) sites, those who want to learn will now be able to begin learning (and teaching, which is the other side of the same extraordinary mirror) within very powerful frames. It was about time: maiora premunt! The world of the near future will be a "world of software", an half-virtual world, where code will assume today unbelievable massive proportions, where" reality" will not count much for the pavlovian gullible beings that will forget their miserable slave conditions deafened by the concerted (and concocted) "virtuality" that they will Oh so much love. A world of software, a world of code, and therefore, as usual, a world of hidden codes and hidden meanings (as if the world we live in now did not have already enough of them :=( I just hope that many of our "students" will soon tackle the more complex and even less rewarding task of cracking the reality they live in... hoc opus, hic labor: software protections are only a tiny part of the "unknown" world around us, albeit a very useful playground to flex your "reversing muscles". Our students and friends will have the difficult (and seldom rewarding) task of finding the keys of its concealed doors, in order to donate them to all those who care, to all those that our enemies are determined to leave outside. In fact they "must" remain out in order to allow fat profits for a minority. This future codeworld will be a scary world indeed if we don't modify (or destroy) the rails our societies are now running on: I advice you to fasten your seat belt and to seat next to an emergency exit. Like cracking. Work well, +ORC Shackling the state * by Nuri Albala If signed, the current MAI proposals would form a benchmark for the global investment economy, taking precedence over most existing national obligations and agreements. The multinational corporations would be given powerful ammunition against sovereign states and the legal means to enforce their new "rights". It is a dynamic agreement which would ultimately "rollback" all national laws which did not conform. Translated by Julie Stoker The infamous "privatization" and "rationalization" trend of the last decades, basically aimed to degrade the quality of life in the whole world in order to allow more profits for the few that had the economic power, among many other damages, wiped away the "conductors" all over the world. A society where the cloak of rationalization is used only to blind people, tricking them into losing life quality and into political immobility through a well orchestrated propaganda machine in order, as always, to allow very few to make a lot of profit... Yes, as I have repeatedly told you: quality of life has been continuously and purposely lowered, in order to allow bigger profits for the few that control this awful society of stupid slaves: planes land noisy at night, whole suburbs abandoned to the savages, you have to carry heavy water home and your pensions (should you have the right to a pension) will be cut (or completely eliminated) in the near future in name of the "rationalization". In the mean time all social cushions are being stripped off one by one, in name of the "globalization" and of the "free play" of the market forces, which are nothing else than the uncontrollable throbbing for profits of the few that control these markets. Don't be deceived if there is nothing about cracking code above... decoding life is much more important than decoding code, and you wont be able to feel the code if you don't learn first to decode the world around you. A devastated, scorched society, that's where we live in, a desert of intelligence where only some faint lights glow. Make so that your brain will help others to find the way to understand the world around them with unsullied eyes, that's the real task of a cracker. Moreover inside each country (rich and poor alike) takes place an analogous "development" in favor of the richest part of the population... that's the current "progress of humanity" stand behind all bla-bla-bla: rich get richer, poor get poorer... a nice society indeed, headed at full speed against a brick wall. Because we are more than code crackers: we are reality crackers, my kids. +ORC, the old red cracker, August 1997 Requiem for a Fallen Comrade: One of the original members of the Circle of Eunuchs recently began analyzing information gleaned from an AI Model designed to enable herself and others to calculate the variation between the economic gains provided by the evolution of technology and the reflection of these gains in the economic evolution of society, as a whole. The AI Model was designed and generated using techniques and methodologies which have already proved to provide exemplary results in regard to reflecting real-world results, as reflected by analysis and direct observation. Her preliminary report, based on what she considered to be a solid--though incomplete--foundation, was that there appeared to be an astounding amount of wealth generated by evolving applied technology which was disappearing down a "Black Hole." Shortly after providing her preliminary report, she, also, "disappeared down a Black hole," as did her equipment and all record of her work on the project, code-named Robyn Steele. Permanent residents of TVWorld are unlikely to notice her absence, but those who strive to live their life in a waking state are well aware that there is a star missing in the sky over Lost Alamo that brought much sparkle and joy to those who dare to venture out into the darkness to help others find their way to the light. http://dev.null/Alexis.htm The Revolution is NOW! People do not want to learn to be free, and to free them we have sadly to "circumvent" them with more or less the same techniques that our enemies use to enslave them :=) Let's crack the very temples of the enemies of the humanity and poetry, the prisons where we are forced to buy and consume... let's show all idiots the WHIPS that are used to enslave them... as always light comes through knowledge. Remember that NOTHING is casual in this awful society where people are CULTIVATED to consume and nothing else than that. Around you almost everything has a "secret" meaning, that you are not supposed to see, understand or crack So let's battle against them! Codebar! Understand! Explain others! Free the stupid slaves... watch the world around you free from petty convention and understand in what for an awful mess you are condemned to live! Prologue to 'WebWorld & The Mythical Circle of Eunuchs' The great tragedy of it, is that it didn't have to happen. Not at all...we were warned. And yet, still, it has come to this. I don't know why I feel this overwhelming compulsion to go on and on about it. I could have done something. We all could have done something. Perhaps the final epitaph on the gravestone of Freedom will be, "Why didn't somebody do something?" That seems to be the common battle-cry of the legions of humanity that have been sucked into the vortex of the New World Order. None of the imprisoned seem to know that the very phrase itself is reflective of the source of their imprisonment...that this desperate cry of anguish is in no way an antidote for the terrible disease that has afflicted 'Liberty and Justice', and that it is, rather, merely the final symptom of the cursed blight itself. I can hear the rumbling of the trucks as they come up the street, and soon I will be hearing the thumping of the jackboots storming up the staircase, as I have heard them so many times before. But I suspect that this time, the sound will be different, that it will have an ethereal quality about it, one which conveys greater personal meaning than it did when I heard it on previous occasions. This time, they are coming for me. My only hope is that I can find the strength of character somewhere inside myself to ask the question which lies at the heart of why there is a 'they' to come for me at all...why, in the end, it has finally come to this for me, as for countless others. The question is, in retrospect, as simple and basic as it is essential for any who still espouse the concepts of freedom and liberty to ask themselves upon finding themselves marveling at the outrageousness being perpetrated upon their neighbors by 'them' 'others' 'Friends of the Destroyer.' The question is: "Why didn't I do something?"
participants (1)