EVENT: Online town hall meeting with Rep. Bob Goodlatte (June 3, 8:30pm

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Depending on your point of view, the Republican Congressman from Virginia is either a steadfast champion of online privacy, or a supporter of censorship in cyberspace. This year, Rep. Goodlatte has been leading a successful charge to overturn the Clinton administration's encryption control policies. Goodlatte is the principal author of H.R. 695, "The Security and Freedom through Encryption (SAFE) Act." -- a bill designed to promote privacy and security on the Internet by encouraging the widespread availability of encryption technology. Goodlatte's efforts to protect privacy and prohibit the government from imposing "key-escrow" and "key-recovery" domestically have won him praise from Internet users. The SAFE bill was recently approved by the House Judiciary Committee (the first time an encryption reform bill has ever cleared a major Congressional committee), and is now headed to the House International Relations Committee where a tougher fight is expected. But in 1995, Rep. Goodlatte was a leading supporter of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) -- a law which for the first time imposed broad content regulations on the Internet. The CDA is currently being reviewed by the Supreme Court and a decision is expected before the end of June. Join Congressman Goodlatte for a live, Virtual Town Hall meeting and find out what makes him tick. You can submit questions in advance by visiting http://www.democracy.net. The discussion will be moderated by Todd Lappin, Section Editor at Wired Magazine. ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND ON REP. BOB GOODLATTE (R-VA) [This information is taken verbatim from Rep. Goodlatte's World Wide Web page at http://www.house.gov/goodlatte/] Bob Goodlatte, age 44, was elected to serve as the Sixth District's Congressman in November of 1992. He was re-elected to his second term without opposition in 1994. He is a graduate of Washington and Lee University School of Law, and his undergraduate degree in Government was earned at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Before being elected to Congress, Bob served as former Congressman Caldwell Butler's District Office Manager from 1977 to 1979, where he was responsible for helping folks across the Sixth District. In 1979, he founded his own private law practice in Roanoke. He is a former partner in the law firm of Bird, Kinder and Huffman, working there from 1981 until taking office. Bob has long been active in his community, serving as President of the Civitan Club of Roanoke, and he's been active with the Parent Teachers Association at his children's public school and with the United Way of the Roanoke Valley. Bob serves on the Judiciary Committee and the Agriculture Committee. His subcommittee assignments on Judiciary are: the Constitution Subcommittee and the Courts & Intellectual Property Subcommittee. His subcommittee assignments on Agriculture are: the Livestock Subcommittee and the Department Operations and Nutrition Program Subcommittee where he serves as the Chairman. After Republicans won the majority, Whip Tom DeLay (R-Texas) selected Bob to serve as an Assistant Whip. Bob and Maryellen, his wife of 22 years, live in Roanoke with their two children, Jenny and Bobby. ____________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PARTICIPATE * Interactive Town Hall Meeting with Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) * DATE: Tuesday June 3, 1997 TIME: 8:30 pm Eastern (5:30 pm Pacific) LOCATION: http://www.democracy.net In advance of the town hall meeting, please visit http://www.democracy.net and fill out the form to ask Rep. Goodlatte a question. We will collect the questions and forward them to the moderator on the day of the event, and will make every effort to ensure that questions from constituents are asked first. 1. Attend and ask Rep. Goodlatte a question! Please mark this date in your calendar: Tuesday June 3, 8:30PM Eastern at http://democracy.net/ 2. Get your friends and co-workers to join the discussion Members of Congress love to hear from their constituents. If you have friends that live in the district, please forward this invitation and encourage them to attend. _____________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING EVENTS Visit http://www.democracy.net for upcoming event information. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT DEMOCRACY.NET The democracy.net is a joint project of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) and the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW) to explore ways of enhancing citizen participation in the democratic process via the Internet. To this end, democracy.net hosts live, interactive cybercasts of Congressional Hearings and online town hall meetings with key policy makers. democracy.net is made possible through the generous support of WebActive, Public Access Networks, the Democracy Network, and DIGEX Internet. More information about the project and its sponsors can be found at http://www.democracy.net/about/ To receive democracy.net announcements automatically, please visit our signup form at http://www.democracy.net/ or send mail to majordomo@democracy.net with "subscribe events" in the body of the message. _____________________________________________________________________________ End update no.8 05/29/1997 =============================================================================
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Shabbir Safdar